Campaign 2: Session 28 - Dreams of the Drakol-Ur

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Story Arc: 1000XP
  • Skills: 570XP
  • Damage: 17XP
  • Healing: 6XP
  • Total: 1693XP
Orville Wepple
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Story Arc: 1000XP
  • Skills: 150XP
  • MVP: 300XP
  • Total: 1550XP
  Anpu Winkybits
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Story Arc: 1000XP
  • Skills: 150XP
  • Damage: 14XP
  • Total: 1264XP
  Thalmun Burrowale
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Story Arc: 1000XP
  • Skills: -60XP
  • Total: 1040XP
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Story Arc: 1000XP
  • Skills: 30XP
  • Total: 1130XP
The Wretch
  • Story Arc: 1000XP
  • Total: 1000XP

Missions/Quests Completed

12th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   Anpu emerges from her unconsciousness in a haze, hearing the screaming of strangers, and the pounding of explosions. As she regains her composure, she finds herself being shouted at by Sarlaren.   The Gnome stands before her shaking her, and as her vision returns to her she sees that Sarlaren has lost half of his ear and has a brutal scar down the side of his face. He looks panicked, pale and dismayed as he begs her to come with him.   Anpu is dazed and confused, she sees that the children are gone, and the Gravedigger along with them. She asks after them, but Sarlaren only tells her that he tried to help them, but he couldn't. He tells her that they need to go, and with no better option, Anpu follows.   As the two emerge into the district, Anpu watches as the Mission of the Eighth Acolyte crumbles under the ferocity of a meteor strike, and all across the district meteors bombard buildings, with countless innocents helpless in their wake.   The two make their way to the edge of the river, and Anpu muses with the possibility of destroying the gun boats. Sarlaren dissuades her from this course however, and makes it clear that the district is being bombarded by near twenty gun-boats.   It is at this point that Anpu spots the Chort lurking in the water, and with her keen eyesight she surmises that the monster is on the attack, and some few survivors are in mortal peril.   As Anpu and Sarlaren swim through the waters, they realise that the victims of the monster are in fact their very own companions. The Wretch has been pushed away from the Chort, and Awenir has placed himself between his friend and the monster. Pawel meanwhile swims from across the water, eager to reach them and come to his friend's aide.   Whilst Anpu uses her magic to draw the monster's attention, and as Pawel attacks it from the side and begins to cave in one of the Chort's eyes, Sarlaren swims above the monster and jams a dagger into its back, driving through the hide to reveal a bloody open wound.   Meanwhile, Tedduch Stoutman swims until he is safely out of range of the Chort, and then turns, launching multiple javelins. Sarlaren is forced to push away from the Chort to evade Teddy's attacks, but the third of the javelin finds purchase within the creature's hide, leaving it howling in a silent cry of pain.   From this moment of victory, Teddy turns to reach the shore and there sees the bodies of two unconscious individuals sihlouetted beneath the trees, vaguely illuminated by the early embers of the rising sun.   Elsewhere in the world, both Russell Tideborn and Orville Wepple find themselves out of control and trapped in the body of another entity. They find themselves in a vast temple complex carved into a high rising cliff. Within this space they see a great hall hosting thousands of cultists for a strange and out-of-place community.   Russell identifies the markings that ornament the walls and murals of the temple, and he quickly surmises that this, much like the temple that he previously built his cult in, was in fact a temple of the Drakol-Ur.   The Drakol-Ur were once a civilisation of Dragon worshippers that existed in the Second Era, and once lead a conquest that swallowed much of the continent of Thallia. The dominion of the Drakol-Ur ended quickly however, as the Five Kingdoms of the North united under the banner of the ancient dictator Du Khaan, and under his leadership they lead a genocide which erradicated the Drakol-Ur and ushered in the Third Era.   The group see more of the room, they see the cultist that climbed the steps to stand before them with a third bloodshot eye carved into their forehead, and above on outcrops within the cliff they see three great Dragons.   As they look across this strange new environment, the voice of the body within which the two dwell would ring in their ears as he would warn them to not do harm to one another, and would remind them who the slaves were, and who the master was.   Orville wakes up with a start, though Russell remains unconscious. He feels a burning sensation and finds the onyx disc that he stole from Thalmun Burrowale searing his flesh. He finds the same is true of the onyx disc in Russell's possession. Teddy is surprised to see his old travelling companion, and continues to rush towards the shore. Meanwhile in the water, the Chort lashes out, tearing at the flesh of Pawel's chest, before Sarlaren is able to gain a grip around its neck and jam his blade ever further into the creature's flesh, killing it.   Pawel and Awenir work together to haul the body of The Wretch as the group swim to safety. They manage to evade the gun boats floating nearby as they are more distracted by the bombardment of the Dystrykt Waldawa. They manage to reach the shores and drag the dispondent Wretch to safety.   In the aftermath of their encounter, the group talk with one another, and Teddy is both confused and somewhat concerned to see Anpu's return to the group. Anpu explains to them the fate of Maria Mulkwast, just as Sarlaren explains the fate of Olena Mulkwast.   They also make the effort to try and wake up Russell Tideborn, with Orville encouraging them to jam smelling salts into the fish-man's nose. Orville feels Russell's pain in doing so, and after being exposed to the smelling salts himself, he agrees that maybe leaving the salts in place would be too much.   The group organise themselves and create a makeshift sledge to carry the unconscious bodies of The Wretch and Russell Tideborn along with them, and agree that in order to be safe, they must make some good ground and get as far from Waldabrakt as possible.   Meanwhile in the city of Waldabrakt. Thalmun Burrowale finishes forging a suit of armour akin to that of the Imperial Guard, and donning his new uniform, he makes his way back towards the harbour of the Bramek Rystotin.   After jumping into the water and walking across the bed of the canal, a damp and impatient Thalmun makes his way to an Imperial vessel and convinces the guards to let him board.   Thalmun meets a crew of strange city-born sailors with terribly bad accents who he is able to convince to sail him to the capital city of Istanbrakt in search of pestrami or something like that.   The wider party travel for two and a half hours, before Anpu finds a cave in which the group can rest for the night. Russell begins to experiment with the limitations of his connection to Orville and discovers that in the right conditions he can capably cast magic through Orville.   Though this magic is difficult, Russell Tideborn is able to briefly take some amount of control over Orville's body and draw magic through him. He uses this magic on the onyx disc that Russell has in his possession and attempts to remove the curse from it, though he is unsuccessful.   Eventually, Orville manages to fall asleep, as does the rest of the party. Elsewhere, Zi emerges from her nest and prepares to depart on their journey to Istanbrakt. Before they depart however, they see Pawel patrolling the mouth of the cave in which the group are encamped.   Zi descends and lands by his side, surprising him. He explains what happened to the group and takes her to see them, they are relieved to see Tedduch Stoutman who is now resting in a hammock tied between two trees. They find the rest of the party resting, but see that Russell has now woken up.   As quickly as they see this, Russell collapses and Orville wakes up, and Zi and Pawel take the time to tie Russell up, concerning that he might be a risk to the group.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
29 Mar 2024
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