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Capital of the Ghia Province

Outsiders tend to view Absolus as a place to enjoy oneself given the yearly celebrations, but more often than not many of the residents are stressed and anxious as the time of the trial approaches. They’ve seen a number of Initiates enter the forest and never return and they will always be the first to know about who isn’t coming back.
— Exarch of Absolus, Aldred Provost
  The city of Absolus is the capital of Ghia, the North-most province of Ione. It rests in front of Sanctum Forest, a holy site in which the Trials of the Fortunate take place and as a result is the primary place for festivals to be held, most notably as Initiates enter the forest, and as Acolytes return. In addition to celebratory materials it also contains much of the medicine and healing herbs to help Acolytes returning on the brink of death but have still having passed the trials. As the city lies directly on the border of the forest it also holds one of the three Towering Gatehouses that allow access outside of the massive stone walls that encircle Ione.   The current Exarch residing in Absolus is Aldred Provost.


Absolus has a recorded population of 3,100 individuals all of which are human. Following the direction of the Alarch, only the human population of the city is recorded so it is likely that the population may be slightly higher than reported, but due to importance of the Trials of the Fortunate being the primary focus of Absolus, few other species reside there.


Absolus is governed by theocratic rule similar to all settlements within Ione and the municipal government is controlled by an Eparch who is appointed through Cionecic's Divine Selection. The Eparch reports to the provincial representative, the Exarch, who also resides in Absolus as it is the provincial capital of Ghia.

Industry & Trade

Many of the individuals within the city have always been working to support the trials, be it making or delivering medicines, tools, food, and materials to support the initiates in their trials. Others focus on making the celebrations as large and enjoyable as possible to support the Initiates and Acolytes. As a result of the heavy focus on the Trials Absolus is mostly a net loss of resources when looking at the greater Ionean economy, though it more than makes up for it in the generation of morale among the population.


Absolus was founded in 265 by The Fortenes before their dissolution and is one of the oldest cities in the entirety of Ione, with only Fortuna and Vane known to be older. This can be attributed to the long running trials that the theocratic order of Fortunism uses to identify the new members of the governing body, and as the city resides on the border of the forest it can provide Initiates with a good rest before venturing in to complete their trial and provide care to the Acolytes who are returning.   Over time the city grew to be one of the largest in the region and due to its importance in facilitating the Trials of the Fortunate. With a increasing population and the decentralized nature of the group there was a growing concern that individuals could deface Sanctum Forest or pillage it for resources and thus a large wooden palisade was constructed along the clearing of the forest starting in Absolus in 361. The palisades were constructed out to Vane in the east and to the newly founded town of Anderselt in the west blocking the entirety of the forest clearning between the two rivers that surround it with the only gate being set in Absolus. The wooden palisade was replaced with the first section of the stone wall and the first Towering Gatehouse in 605 under Alarch [Ceredig Snyder].   The city was the first to be overhauled in marble construction when the discovery of the resource was made in Arnsrath. Inauguration Square, the location of the festivals, was an easy first choice as it was simply a replacing of the paving that covered the area. When the Square was complete much of the settle centre was also overhauled in marble and was completed in 1360.

Points of interest

  • The Towering Gatehouse of the North - One of the three towering gatehouses that allow access through Ione's defensive walls resides in Absolus, though it only allows access into Sanctum Forest.
  • [Chapel of Ghia] - Each of the provincial capitals has a large chapel that provides the dual purpose of a religious site and the location of the sitting Exarch of the province.
  • [Inauguration Square] - Inauguration Square is a large open area in which the ground has been paved with marble and stiberite in beautiful patterns. It rest just in front of the towering gatehouse and hold many of the celebrations related to the Trials of the Fortunate.


Originally built crudely from wood, Absolus has recieved a significant number of architectural overhauls, firstly from wood to stone during the reconstruction of the palisades and later during the discovery of marble. In fact, Absolus was on of the first settlements to receive signifcant construction improvements after the discovery of the marble in Arnsrath in 1345 as the city was still the location of most of the celebrations pertaining to the Trials of the Fortunate. Inauguration Square near the Towering Gatehouse leading into Sanctum Forest was the first location in Ione to be completely reconstructed primarily from marble with the rest of the city slowly following suit.   Like much of Ione, most of the city centre features elements similar to that found in gothic archtiecture, such as pointed arches, rib vaults, detailed columns, flying butresses, and noteworthy towers and spires. Moving further from the city centre and public spaces into residential areas results in much simpler architecture, though still finely crafted from marble. Moving into the city outskirts towards farmland or storage areas sees some buildings built from local stone or even wood. This pattern is fairly consistent throught the settlements of Ione.

Provinces Ghia Meidem Wol
Cities Fortuna

Founding Date
Large town
Humans: 3,100
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
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