
Ulkvass was a northern city on the edge of the arctic circle. It had originally been a small fishing town with origins dating back to the late Foundation era but it became much more important in the age of the Succession Empires because it occupied a strategic location close to the start of the polar channel which had been opened up in the late seventeeth century to provide an alternative trade route between the great oceans. Specifically, the merchants of Trass were keen to use it as a much more direct way to trade with the increasingly important but otherwise distant cities of Fereth which bypassed the taxes and tarrifs that were making Allport wealthy.   The city was granted a charter in 1701 AF by Kingcardine in a significant departure from previous protocols. Prior to this time, the granting of city charters had always been by Act of Parliament at the behest of the New Sophisticates. The declaration from Kingcardine demonstrated how much power had leeched from the old Foundation Cities.   Ulkvass was part of the Empire of the House of Thorns during the time of the Succession Empires and contributed naval forces for various engagements, including those involved in the ill fated attack on Anoomenon in 1734 AF.   Ironically, it reached the peak of its prosperity seven hundred years or so later under the rule of Anoomenon during the Long Northern Peace. The image at the head of the article, shows warehouses and fish processing factories on the Main Icerun of Ulkvass as it looked in 2418 AF, when there was still significant marine trade between Fereth and Trass using the polar sea route.   The city was abandoned in 2945 AF due to the Emptying of Earth. Most of what remained of its population moved south to the more hospitable centre of Tree'skivo.

Industry & Trade

Founded on the basis of a thriving fishing industry, this came to play a secondary role to that of a trade port. Ulkvass offered the first and last docking facilities for ships traversing the dangerous polar channel route between Trass and Fereth.

2945 AF

Founding Date
18th of Oldorbit, 1701 AF
Location under

Cover image: Ulkvass by DMFW with Disco Diffusion 5.2


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