Umibozu are mysterious seaborne creatures that...
Alarks are unique ice golems that live in the deep...
These disgusting dog-like creatures inhabitate...
Erestrian Spiders are spiders from Erestria that...
Galans (Fire Stealers) are rare and interesting creatures that...
Hykops are large stone golems that...
Inkniplor are interdimensional pale squids that...
Kerodats are a type of bird-bat creature that...
Slinders are mysterious creatures that lurk in the forests that...
Smanshulun are rock-golems that...
Spaken are magical jellyfish that...
Storlicks are large crabs that...
Unkalans are Umibozu-esque creature that...
Wyverns, a very rare dragon-like creature of the skies...