Seizing of the Ice Child

The Seizing of the Ice Child is the name given post-war to the attempt by both Pact of the Blessèd and Violet Accord forces to persuade and then kidnap Aev Jsou, a prodigal Uon channeler, from their home in the Isle of the Cradle with the klatuut, in the neutral Seyis-Gol.   The Pact's expedition was in the hope that Aev would assist with the Hidden Company's covert mission, the Assault on the Nest, that went ahead regardless on the 22nd.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Battlefield Type
Start Date
15th Day of the Season of Opening, 989AC
Ending Date
18th Day of the Season of Opening, 989AC
Conflict Result
Unsuccessful; complete withdrawal from Seyis-Gol


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