Siege of Keismeb (Case-MEHB)

The Siege of Keismeb was a large scale conflict in the overall War of the Six. Although not the first attempt by Pact of the Blessèd forces to assault the city -- that honor belonging to the more impromptu aftermath of the Charge of the Martyrs -- it was the more successful of the attempts.

The Conflict


Following the scouring of the land and byways after the Charge of the Martyrs and having to use reduced forces following the Battle at the Qos Spear, the Pact sought to approach the city across Hooth's River directly from the eastern shore and through the forests from the west. To do the former they bartered with the Anteg Stead on the 22nd Day of the Season of Ripening for occupation of Fache Cove, the most usable launch point after Cojaea Run's occupation, in exchange for the safe escort of their children and vulnerable away from conflict zones (as the able-bodied refused to completely abandon their stead).


Notable in that there was a significant amount of engagement on the river as well as on land / in the city outskirts.


Pact forces' supply lines are ultimately broken and back quadrants are harried; siege unable to continue, and abandoned. Pact forces retreat. However, Keismeb experiences significant inner civil turmoil while under siege.


Victims of the civic riots during the siege included Ninbucah Bhrul and Ilsevel Birona of the Affenblau Family, likely as a disguised retaliation for Shedrogard Affenblau's choice to side with the Pact; he was unable to secure passage for his family prior to the siege beginning. Their deaths would assist the decline of the prominent family post-war, especially following Shedrogard's own death.

Historical Significance

In Literature

The siege is the subject of a poem by Akasien Ttarvek, unfinished at the time of their death, titled 'The Siege of Keismeb'.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
25th Day of the Season of Ripening, 988AC
Ending Date
25th Day of the Season of Closing, 988AC
Conflict Result
Unsuccessful sacking of the city; Pact forces retreat


Golden Itoqir
Host of Selephise





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