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Kyrillos (ˈ

Kyrillos is a medium sized island in the Southeastern Region, a part of the Kaphtor Islands. The island is dominated by a dormant volcano, which has created a landscape of black sand beaches, rugged cliffs, and rocky outcroppings. The island is best known for its plentiful silver deposits, which have made the Lakonía Phylí who rule the island one of the wealthiest of all the Kaphtori phylai.

The Lakonía were not always the rulers of Kyrillos, but conquered the island about four hundred and fifty years ago. The island had traditionally been ruled by Télma Phylí, who lived there for generations uncounted before discovering the silver deposits in the mountains around Pelinaios. They had only begun to mine the silver when the Lakonía Phylí invaded, drawn by the rumors of riches. The Télma Phylí were enslaved by the conquerers, and while there have been multiple revolts in the centuries since, they have yet to oust the Lakoníans. The most recent rebellion was a generation past, and ended with a great slaughter of the Télmans that has become infamous throughout the region.

The largest settlement on the island is called Asími. It was a village before the silver was discovered, and has since grown into the island's major port. It is at the mouth of the Asiménio Potámi, a river that passes through the most productive mining area on its way to the sea, and much of the silver mined travels downstream to the city.

Notable Spirits

In the high mountains that dominate the center of the island dwells a goddess known as Chione. She is a nymph of the snow and cold, and does not welcome the intrusion of humans into her domain. The miners have to tread carefully in the regions where she claims dominion, as she has been known to send great avalanches of snow down upon the mines when the appropriate forms and sacrifices have not been made. Shrines to Chione are found in every mining camp, and offerings are made frequently to appease her.


Kyrillos is a crescent-shaped island that is 31 miles long from north to south, and 18 miles across at its widest point. A ridge of mountains named the Téleia Óri run the length of the island, with the highest being the Pelinaios, with a height over four thousand feet. The coastal areas are lower, and the region around Asími is notoriously swampy and difficult to travel through, except on the river itself. The swamps are also said to hide monsters, and there are rumours of a many-headed snake or lizard that cannot be slain living somewhere on the island.
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Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 37.28 degrees North
Longitude: 45.98 degrees East
Average Elevation: 325 ft
Highest Point: 4,072 ft (Pelinaios)
Lowest Point: 0 ft
Area: 325.2 sq mi

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