Melosia Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Melosia (məˈloʊziə)

Melosia is a medium sized island located in the Kaphtor Islands, in the northwestern part of the archipelago. The island is known for its fertile soil and abundant crops, and was a major supplier of food to the Kaphtor Islands. However, it was recently devastated by a massive earthquake which leveled all but one of the island's major settlements, and also caused floods, fires, and landslides across the island. While Melosia has always been prone to more earthquake activity than the other islands in the group, this was the largest and most destructive quake ever experienced by the Kaphtori.

In the aftermath of the earthquake, ancient ruins from long before the time of humans were exposed to the surface, and from them have come a variety of strange monsters to plague the surviving populace. These creatures appear to be made up of parts from normal animals, stitched together into new forms. While the soldiers of the Ithíka Phylí who rule the island have been able to kill or drive away the beasts for the moment, there appear to be more who still lurk in the labyrinthine structures buried underneath the island. A few brave souls have made expeditions into the tunnels, and those who have returned report that they are extensively booby-trapped, and resemble structures constructed by the notorious Dungeon Squirrels of Ynys. Speculation that great treasures lie within the ruins has run rampant throughout the Kaphtors, although nobody has yet emerged with anything of particular value.

The largest settlement remaining after the earthquake is the fortified port of Kastro. It was badly damaged by flooding during the quake and is still rebuilding, but it is the only functional harbor on the island. Ships bearing supplies from the other Kaphtori phylai who are allied with the Ithíka Phylí have been arriving at Kastro on a regular basis ever since the disaster.

Notable Spirits

The patron goddess of Melosia is Dikta. She is a daughter of Zoí Parakáto, and holds dominion over all forms of food, including agriculture, hunting, and fishing. It is said that she wove the first nets used for fishing, and also the earliest snares to catch rabbits. Stories about her often involve suitors becoming entangled in traps she has created while she escapes, laughing. Her priests have dedicated themselves to feeding the survivors of the earthquake, and have performed several miracles in the last year to support this mission.


The island is mix of towering mountains and fertile plains. Istoríos is the highest mountain on the island, and is a part of a range that stretches from north to south across the center of Melosia. The coastline is known for sandy beaches, and also for many natural caves. One of the most striking features of the island is Spiliá Límni, the cave lake. It is a massive underground lagoon that is accessible only through a sinkhole over the water. The hole is surrounded by trees, and incautious travelers have been known to fall into the cavern and become trapped in the brackish waters below. The waters of Spiliá Límni are exceptionally clear, and objects floating in the lake have the appearance of floating in thin air.


There are many forests along the lower elevations of the mountains, mostly of fir and pine. While fires and flood have damaged these forests, they were not totally destroyed. Many animals, including deer, wild boar, and pine martens live in the forests. Along the coast, loggerhead turtles and monk seals are a common site, and the latter use the coastal caves to give birth and nurse their young. The waters surrounding Melosia are home to many species of fish and cetaceans.
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Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 37.17 degrees North
Longitude: 42.77 degrees East
Average Elevation: 453 ft
Highest Point: 5,253 ft (Istoríos)
Lowest Point: -7 ft
Area: 303.7 sq mi

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