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Kingdom of Ironclaw

The Kingdom of Ironclaw is nearly as ancient as Arvandor. Strength and endurance are prominent traits among its populace, and they sure show it. Nestled along the mountain belt that slashes through the north of their territory, along the wide deserts home to the Scalebeasts and in the ports that stretch along the coastline, Ironclaw is multi-faceted and full of life, its hardy inhabitants probably being the only bunch capable of consistently surviving the harsh ways of the land. Creators of Runeforging, a powerful and delicate art passed down through many dwarven and gnomish generations and holding a wide array of skills, ranging from battle prowess all the way to dextreous smithing, the place's reputation more than preceeds it. In spite of their relatively care-free nature, from an outsider perspective, much of the population holds a great grudge against Arvandor and Sioa after the Great War a couple centuries ago, with some of the older Dwarves around still recalling the days of battle against the Empire and the Theocracy. As set in stone as The Trinity's pact is, and as appeciative as many of the people of Ironclaw are for the peace it's brought, the sins of the past are hardly forgotten, and the recent friction between the nations that has arised once more after Öldrin's passing and the invention of Arcanotech has cast doubt upon this so called "Age of Progress". Nevertheless, time will tell on what the next move for the people of Ironclaw is, and with their long lives, they've got the time.   Moving onto other matters (Or perhaps going into more detail on a previously mentioned one), something that anyone that's spent any amount of time around the south of Ironclaw's territory will mention if you ask them is the presence of the Scalebeasts, dinosaur-like beings (By our standards) that descended from Dragonkind after their extinction during The Cleansing. The territory of Kraghammer, where Ironclaw's military force is mostly located and trained, contains a large number of these mighty beings, which are used by their military as combat mounts (Named the Combat Scale Mounts or CSM for short).   King Drogan Ironclaw, direct descendant of the legendary Öldrin, rules Ironclaw with a stoic demeanor. A questionable leader, specially in comparison to his father, many fear Drogan's performance since his father stepped down from the throne has been quite lackluster, and it is no help that his short fuse deflects much criticism directed his way. With him at the helm, and with the current tensions between the nations of the Realm, things could become dire.
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