Howling Commandos

The Howling Commandos were a combat unit lead by Steve Rogers during World War II. Although part of the U.S. Army, they primarily took their orders from the Strategic Scientific Reserve.

The unit was made up of solider primarily from the 107th Infantry, who were captured by Johann Shmidt at the Battle of Azzano, for use as slave labour and test subjects for Arnim Zola's Super-Soldier Serum, and later rescued by Steven Rogers in his first military action as Captain America.

They were one of the first de-segregated units in the modern Army.

The team continued to opperate as Irregulars for some years after the end of the war, under the leadership of Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, and assisted Peggy Carter in her hunt for the Red Room.

1943 - 1952

Military, Army Company
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization

Author's Note
What little we see of the army in First Avenger appears to be desegregated, however with the addition of Isiah Bradley to the universe this feels weird, and we know that the 107th were the only unit captured, so I've gone with the assumption that Gabe Jones was from a unit other than the 107th, but was transferred to the 107th at Steve's request in order to be a member of the Howlies. This appears to be what happened to Dum Dum as well, so it doesn't feel out of place.