Storm Giants

The Storm Giants are a race of Giants, who dwel in the more temperate mountain regions of Jotunheim. They formerly occupied Asgard, prior to the Aesir's arrival.

Civilization and Culture


The first Storm Giants were Sturm and Drang, the children of the first Frost Giant and the first Fire Giant.

They settled in the land that would become known as Asgard, where they lived peacefully for many years. Eventually a faction of Asgardians, lead by Bor, arrived in the land, settling on the land which would eventually become the city of Asgardia. The Aesir initially paid the Storm Giant chiefs tribute, and the two species lived peacefully. Both of King Bor's sons, Odin and Cul, married Storm Giantesses, cementing the ties between the two races.

After Odin ascended to the throne, elevating himself from King of Asgard to All-Father, relations between the two species soured. After a fight broke out between a group of Asgardian settlers and the Storm Giants who's land the Asgardians were seeking to claim, Queen Grid attempted to negotiate on behalf of her people. However, Odin accused her to treason and executed her, beginning a bloody war between the two species which eventually ended with the Storm Giants being driven from their ancestral lands.

The refugees were welcomed by King Laufey and settled the areas of Jotunheim considered too warm to be habitable by Frost Giants.

Due to their status as refugees, and their ancestral claim to Asgard, the Storm Giants have elected to attend the Congress of Realms as an unaffiliated race. Their current Member of Congress is Grim Greybeard. 

Historical Figures

The last hereditary rulers of the Storm Giants were King Brimer and his queen, Nedra. Their daughter, Grid, was the first wife of Odin, and the mother of Princess Hela.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities
Notable Individuals