Member of Congress

Member of the Council of Realms representing one of the Nine Realms or unaffiliated races.


Each Realm has the right to send two representatives (although Muspelheim currently only sends one), along with an appropriate number of attendants, attaches, researchers, etc.

In addition the the Nine Realms, races who have their own political system but are not affiliated with any one Realm have to right to send their own representatives if they wish. Currently the Trolls and Storm Giants do this.


It is up to the rulers of each Realm to select their representatives in whatever manner they see fit. However, due to Midgard's lack of centralised government, new holders are appointed by the All-Mother and sitting Terran Member of Congress.


Proposing and voting on legislation. Meeting with citizens to gauge their needs. Representing their people and advocating for them.


It is up to each Realm / people to pay their representatives, however Asgard provides food and lodging free of charge to all Members of Congress and their staff while Congress is in session.


The Inhumans petitioned to be allowed to attend as an unaffiliated race, however the Council ruled that because they are found only on earth, and because of their ties to the Kree, they did not qualify. In order to mitigate some of the political fallout from this, the possition of Inhuman Advisor to the Terran Congresspeople was created, and is currently held by Karnak.

Notable Holders

The current congresspeople are assigned as follows:
Alfheim : Ayelah Frostbright & Sir Ivory Honeyshot
Jotunheim : Helblindi & Oggmunder Dragglevadd Vinnsuvius XVII
Midgard : Nakia & Roz Solomon 
Niffleheim : Declined to send Senators
Svartalfheim : Scumtongue & Waziria
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Congressman / Congresswoman / Congressperson
Length of Term
6 Asgardian Years
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