Makron am Maxalli

Lord Makron am Maxalli

Makron am Maxalli is the son and heir to the Grand Baron of Wessridge, Maklin am Maxalli. His mother, Goditha Mollus, hasn't spoken to Makron in nearly four years because (she says) he looks so much like his father. He is a fit and able knight that has proven himself on the lists but has yet to see actual combat. By cajoling his father, he has gotten himself attached to the household of Mak II, the King of Lesser Imesse, who is a distant cousin of his.   Makron knows that his father is petty, corrupt, tyrannical and wasteful. He is aware of the tortured existence he has forced his mother into. As the heir to the Grand Barony of Wessridge, he desperately wants to be a better Baron, father and man than his father is and that is why he has spent so much of his early adulthood trying to get away from his father's influence.   Makron is very close to his sister, Marion Maxalli with whom he frequently corresponds. They are both actively working to secure better positions for their half-siblings by their father's numerous mistresses (or at least the ones they actually know about).  Makron is also actively trying to secure positions and titles for his illegitimate siblings because he fears that once his father loses interest in their mothers, the funds currently paying for their well being will dry up.


Contacts & Relations

Makron is currently a household knight for King Mak II at Southridge.  He was also a squire and knight for Baron Camden am Warrhim of Jorick.  He has made many lasting friendships and built quality relationship through these associations with several very influential nobles of both Kingdoms.

Family Ties

Makron has a very close relationship with his sister, Marion and they are both trying to ensure that the five bastard children of their father's two favorite mistresses are taken care of when the inevitable day comes that those two women fall out of favor with Maklin and are cut, estranged... or worse.


Marion Maxalli


Towards Makron am Maxalli


Makron am Maxalli


Towards Marion Maxalli


Marion Maxalli (Sister)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations