Emory Tillman

Master Emory Tillman

Emory Tillman is a 39-year-old Human that has settled in a corner of the seasonal city of Zimnii Gorod on the southern edge of the great Junn Steppe.  He has built a horse, cattle and donkey enterprise of substantial value over the last 9 years, and as his business has grown, so has his compound of ancillary businesses and buildings, known collectively as Tillmans Corner.


Contacts & Relations

Emory has built a very profitable relationship with the Belkoplemya people of the Junn Harr.  They have provided him with the finest in Junn horses and much fine stock of donkeys, and he trusts and depends on their continued trade with Tillmans Corner.  He has a particularly strong friendship with Belko Belkonov.

Family Ties

Emory was the heir to the family fortune of the Tillmans of Belmar, but (for reasons not often discussed) he has forsaken his birthright in favor of his youngest brother, Rodney Tillman, the Ecclesiast of the Belmar Temple.  For the last 9 years, he has had no contact with his family or his brother.

Religious Views

Emory is a very devout and dedicated practitioner of the Pantheon of Heaven faith.  While there is no temple of the faith in Zimnii Gorod, he keeps a rigid calendar of observed holy days and makes an annual pilgramage to the Grand Temple at Elisar, usually during the spring equinox season.

Wealth & Financial state

Born the oldest son of a very, very wealthy family from the Town of Belmar, Emory has forgone his family's legacy and built for himself a very impressive operation
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Ward of Rolar
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
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