Kenner Paige

Lord Commander Kenner Paige

Kenner Paige is the Lord Commander of the City Watch for the City of Rolar. He is the Commander of a full Watch Regiment of Dragoons, a Scout Company and two Companies of Regent's Yeoman Archers, each making up one-third of the City Watch.   Kenner is a 44-year-old Human that was born and raised in the City of Rolar.  The oldest son of a crippled farrier and his drunken wife, Kenner did not enjoy a happy childhood.  His father was a poor business man and his mother was an angry drunk and both were particularly hard on the young Kenner and his three sisters.  At the young age of 15, Kenner listed with the Dragoons, seaking posts as far from Rolar as possible.  He served 11 years with the Dragoons patrolling the northern and western frontiers of the Kingdom with honor and dignity, eventually rising to the rank of Captain of Dragoons.  When his parents were killed in a fire that destroyed the family shop, Kenner returned to Rolar to help his sisters and start a new life.  His rank and reputation were well known in the City, and the Lord Commander of the City Watch searched him out to get him to sign on with the Watch as a Captain of Dragoons.  He served as Captain for more than 12 years, and was named the new Lord Commander at the retirement of his former Commander due to illness.   While serving as a Dragoon, Kenner built a name for himself as an exceptional horseman.  His skill in the saddle rapidly became known across the land, and he was called upon to compete in many tournaments as a "champion" of Rolar.  Over the course of more than a decade and at least 40 tournaments, Kenner has never been defeated on horseback and is widely considered to be the finest jouster in all of Cobal.  His reputation and skills are known far beyond the Kingdom as well.  Kenner has twice competed in tournaments in Imesse, and has won the champion's cup in both by defeating the Baron of Cyell, Fulton am Bondari, who is also considered one of the finest jousters alive.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Kenner is known throughout the land as one of the greatest riders alive and is a renowned tournament champion.  He has twice defeated Fulton am Bondari in jousts, and has earned the Baron's unquestioning respect and admiration.
Lord Commander Kenner Paige on patrol near the City of Rolar
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Watch Commander
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations