Lilyth Ahmi

Lady Lilyth Ahmi (a.k.a. Lily)

Lilyth Ahmi is the youngest child of Lennis am Ahmi and Tanny Nari, the former Duke and Duchess of Ben Doa.  She is unwed and refuses to even consider marriage unless it is to Edris Isenbar, with whom she has fallen hopelessly in love for the last four years.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lily is quite tall for a woman and significantly heavier than anyone else in her family.  No amount of effort on her part seems to make a difference.  She is healthy, active and strikingly beautiful to almost everyones eyes but her own.

Body Features

Tall, muscular and very curvy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lily was especially loved by her father, Lennis am Ahmi. He often joked that she, of all his four children, was the most like him: tall, strong and stuborn to a fault. Lily has particularly fond memories of her father, even though she was only 8 years when he went away to war, never to return. Her mother often noted that Lily also loved like her father did: completely and without reservation or concern.   In the summer of 229 AF, Lilyth was attending a tournament at the City of Lorancourt with her cousin the Baroness Lana Ahmi of Jorick . At a dinner on the first night of the tourney, Lana introduced Lilyth to a dashing knight from the far reaches of northern Imesse, one Edris Isenbar of Wessold. The two felt an instant attraction that neither could do anything to resist.

Personality Characteristics


Lily is passionately in love with Edris Isenbar, a young noble from the far northwest of the Kingdom.  Edris loves her just as much, but the fued that exists between Lily's brother, Leland am Ahmi and Edris' father Harris Isenbar makes a marriage of the two lovers very nearly impossible.

Vices & Personality flaws

Lily is secretly very, very self conscious of her weight and size.  She knows she is much larger than any of her sisters of cousins, and truly fears that her only chance at real emotional happiness with another person lies with Edris... whom she is currently forbidden to be with by both his family and much of hers.


Contacts & Relations

Lily is madly in love with Edris Isenbar, but family politics prohibits them from marrying.  Her cousin, Lenore Ahmi is currently acting as a secret go-between for Edris and Lily, since she actually lives quite a bit closer to Wessold than Lily does.


Lilyth Ahmi


Towards Edris Isenbar


Edris Isenbar


Towards Lilyth Ahmi


Edris Isenbar (Lover)
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization