Loth'a Vyrion

Loth'a Vyrion (a.k.a. Varin Loth)

Loth'a Vyrion is an Elven male that resides in the quiet little village of Serenity in the Briary of Molisloth. He lives a secluded and quiet life buying and collecting rare and exotic items that adventurers bring back out of the wild hills and forests of Teboba. As an Elf, he is almost universally distrusted by his Halfling and Gnome neighbors, so he goes out of his way to keep to himself and avoid having to move about the village.   Vyrion does not easily discuss his past with anyone, but especially observant people have noted a few things that stand out about the strange and eccentric Elf. First and foremost is that Vyrion does not typically devulge his true name. All his neighbors in Serenity know him as Varin Loth. Vyrion's true name comes from his birthplace in the Elven Realm of Naru, where the family he comes from is "Loth" (which in Elvish means river) and Naruian convention places the family name before the given name.   Some of his neighbors have also deduced that Vyrion is very, very old. Vyrion constantly wears a hammered gold pendant on a silk lanyard that was a gift to him from his former "leader" who died many years ago. With careful examination, anyone that can read Elvish script can see the pendant is from Kel'a Thron, the former Autarch of Naru who died in battle more than 800 years ago and was the father of the current Autarch, Kel'a Bron. If Vyrion did indeed receive this pendant from Kel'a Thron, than he received it more than eight centuries ago in a land far from Lesser Imesse.   Vyrion is well known in the area as a collector and purchaser of rare or exotic items that can only be found in the region of Teboba. Items of specail interest for Vyrion are things like Dragon Oil, collected or harvested parts and portions of rare and dangerous beasts, strange or mysterious carvings or engravings (in fact, anything with writing on it at all is extremely valuable to Vyrion). Griffon feathers, manticore skin, troll toes, harpy dung, megaloceros antlers, giant boar tusks, and wyvern eggs have all fetched seemingly astronomical prices from Vyrion over the years.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Vyrion's vast knowledge of the ancient arcane secrets of the world gives him many insights and abilities that allow him to control his environment in many strange and magical ways.  He has a nearly infallible ability to sense magical effects from some distance, and can see through almost any magical disguise instantanously.

Apparel & Accessories

Always seen wearing a small, delicate hammered-gold pendant in the shape of a leaf that is the badge of his rank within the The Order of the Quinary.

Mental characteristics


Vyrion is a life-long member of the The Order of the Quinary.  He holds the rank of Grand Quaesitor Accumulator within the order, meaning his position is one of several chief collectors of obscure, arcane or even forbidden items, lore and knowledge for the greater Order.  His golden pendant is actually a symbol of this rank, and it was given to him by the previous Autarch of Naru, Kel'a Thron himself.


Hobbies & Pets

Vyrion has a pair of especially smart and well-trained donkeys stabled behind his humble home.  These animals are used by Vyrion to transport some of his collected oddities out of the village to places unknown.  Four nights ago, one of the beasts was stolen from his stables.  Vyrion is very anxious to get the donkey back as soon as possible, and has the means to make the return very profitable for those that accomplish it.
Current Location
Very old
Current Residence
Village of Serenity
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations