BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


  There is a belief among many inhabitants of Tol that the positions of the stars and phases of the moons when someone is born can have a profound influence on a person’s personality and life. While many don’t share this belief, it doesn’t stop anyone from being aware of their birth sign.
  The Bear is a sign of protectors, warriors, and parents, especially for those who follow the Primal Spirits. Those born under the sign of the Bear are often strong, enduring, patient, protective, and nurturing. This sign is considered very favorable by Dwarves, Hastane, and Shifters.
  The Crone is a sign of foretelling, of mysticism, and of wisdom. Its constellation includes the purple star Caiphon. It is often associated with those who follow an arcane path, but it can also be a sign revealing an uncanny knack for reading peoples’ emotions. This sign is considered very favorable by Eladrin and Tieflings.
  The Cup is a sign of empathy, romance, and poets. It’s also a sign of healers and mercy. It’s often followed by those who forge a strong connection with their friends through command or healing. This sign is considered very favorable by Half-Elves and Summerlings.
  The Dragon, which includes the red star Draconus, is a sign of strength and lore, but also a sign of tyranny. Great heroes are sometimes born under the sign of the Dragon, but great villains can be as well. Dragonborn, Goblinoids, Summerlings, and Urku consider this an extremely favorable sign.
  The Glove is a sign of agility, manual dexterity, and craft. Gnomes, Halflings, and Changelings consider this an extremely favorable sign. Those born under the Hand often become performers, archers, and thieves.
  The Harp is a sign of diplomats, of entertainers, and of rogues. The Harp guides many to study an art of some kind, or else to use their words as art. This sign is considered very favorable by Gnomes, Half-Elves, and Tieflings.
  The Hunter is a sign of nature, of those who hunt the woods, and who fish the oceans. Those who dare the elements in search of a living are often covered by the sign of the Hunter. Elves, Shifters, and Aeotaens consider this sign very favorable.
  The sign of the Jester dances merrily across the sky. Many comets and meteor showers seem to originate from the vicinity of this sign. Those born under the sign often become laughing rogues, dashing bards, and other tricksters. Gnomes, Halflings, and Tieflings consider this a very auspicious sign.
  The Mask grins, lop-sidedly, from its place in the heavens. Those who are born under its sign are considered to be intensely dishonest and untrustworthy. Of all the races, only Changelings consider the Mask a favorable sign.
  The River is a sign of travel, of athleticism, and of perseverance. The River never stops flowing, and those born under the sign are equally tireless and enduring. Goliaths and Halflings consider this a very favorable sign.
  Few people who live in the north can miss the Scepter in the night sky. The four bright stars run a perfect line from south to north, with the brightest star, golden Carbachor, resting perfectly at north. While most use the sign for navigation, those born under it are often considered born leaders, either through secular or sacred means. All of the races consider the Scepter an auspicious sign.
  Those who are born under the sign of the Tome tend to be scholars, wizards, writers, and academics. Those who live by the written word are often born under the Tome. The Eladrin, in particular, consider this a very auspicious sign, but all races who value scholarship value it.
  Those born under the Wolf tend to be either loners or intensely social. They can be protective, savage, and wild, but they can also be nurturing and wise. This sign is favored strongly by the Elves, the Goliaths, and the Hastane.


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