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Farakeel Aurumvoss

Farakeel Aurumvoss was an unusual inhabitant of the Free City of Castamir who is now the Dragonlord of Mahakazor. His father was a Dragonborn, but his mother was a Gold Dragon. His dragon blood stirred powerfully within him, unleashing the powers of a Sorcerer as he grew older.
  Against possible type, Farakeel is a kind, jovial fellow with a fondness for food and drink that has given him a slight belly. He is curious and sociable, given to inviting strangers to dinner at the drop of a hat. He recently made the acquaintance of the Kobold Zikzok (who seems to hero worship the man) and Tristan Holdfast of the Fire Wasps. An invitation to dinner was extended, and he became fascinated with the quest of Darberik Fivebraids. Seeing in the journey an opportunity to travel with a well-protected, well-provisioned group into the Desolation of Azmartheon, and being a student of dragonborn history, he volunteered his services as a guide and translator.
  He traveled with the party and struck up a close friendship with Zikzok the Kobold, who seemed fascinated by the “dragon man”. Eventually, after helping to liberate the city of Mahakazor from the Beholder Tyrant Xhamathaxanor, he decided to remain in the city to help guide its people in the ways of the dragonborn. After some months of his aid, the people named him their dragonlord, and he now rules there, fairly and well. With Shadowed Mahakazor restored and the city reunited, he rules the single largest population of dragonborn in Azmartheon, with Zikzok as his Minister of Works. He hopes to restore new life to the dragonborn people and new glory to Mahakazor.
  When the Fire Wasps called for aid, he led a force of Dragonborn to the Battle of Worldbreaker's Howe, Zikzok at his side. Bolstering the smaller allied forces with breath weapons and magic, they aided the allies to victory, cementing his place among world leaders.


Farakeel Aurumvoss

Friend and Mentor (Important)

Towards Zikzok



Friend and Student (Vital)

Towards Farakeel Aurumvoss




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