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War of the God King

Military action


The War of the God King saw the Orcish Hordes making their first major offensive on the continent of Aldorath. They were met by the newly formed Seven Kingdoms and defeated soundly.

In about 5 PK, the Orcish Hordes, united in Turkhast under the banner of Laminok Bloodfist the God-King, led what they considered a holy war against the peoples of Aldorath. Rallied at first by a one-eyed shaman named Grukh (called the Bloody Seer), they crossed the Sea of Sunken Fires and attacked from the south and east, doing terrible harm to the lands of the Summerlings, the Halflings, and the Eladrin. Shalana Silvermyst, then Esavola of the eladrin-in-exile, called for representatives of the various lands of free creatures to come to a Conclave. At that conclave, she presented her plan – unite the other folk of Aldorath in a group of allied kingdoms to turn back the tide of Orcish savagery. At the end of this conclave, the borders of the Seven Kingdoms had been drawn, and the War of the God-King (sometimes called the War of the First Alliance) was officially begun in 1 SKR.   The war was relatively brief but exceedingly bloody. The orcs had not expected unified resistance to their attacks, and this threw them into confusion. Grukh the Bloody Seer met his end at the Battle of Gaston Strand , and the orcs retreated. Before the year was out, however, a new leader, Broglarak the Fat, rallied the hordes once again and struck at the Kingdoms from the south and west. Although halfling marines and Summerling battleships met them in battle, the Elves and eladrin-in-exile soon found their woods burning and their homes pillaged. Dwarves and Hastane, aboard Hastane longships, attacked from the north, holding the orcs back from their lands, but it wasn’t until Summerling, Goblinoid, and halfling troops joined the elves, coming west through the Faerinwold in a long and desperate march, that the orcs met their fate at the Battle of the Burning Sea . The great Summerling general Seowyn Greenfields earned his people the undying friendship of the elves of Faerinwold for his actions in this Battle in 9 SKR.   Harried by the dwarf and Hastane forces at sea, the orcs fled south, only to turn into an obstacle they had not expected. Eladrin galleons, held in reserve in the Feywild, now rolled out of the mists, doing devastating damage to the orcs and sending them away for good. Less than ten years after it had begun, the War of the God-King came to an ignominious end.