Stories from Laiqua and Caresnas along with articles from the Filishar Times, an independent news sheet published in Filishar. These stories are from when Frostburn company were active in the world.
The attack on the Last Shrine of the Moon
Clues to the Past - Ruins are discovered just south of Bellcross
Elven kingdom attacks town on Laiqua.
The Kingdom of Caresnas agrees to work with a group of elves
War breaks out between Southport and Mikel's Town
Gulius is finally cleared of the charges of against him in Filishar
Duke Kilbur Derspire is arrested for treason.
Nacht is Liberated from the fiends by the Knights of Blackfort
Team 11 from Explorer Company save Lower Grild from a Lizardman invasion
An Interview with Acting-Duke Pelin
The suspects arrested on charges of supplying poisonous leaves are found to be innocent
Orlin is identified as the person responsile for poisoning 67 people
The ongoing war between Southport and Mikel's Town
The Dwarves cut off trade, accusing the Kingdom of Caresnas of planning ot unleash a plague on them
Julian Greth appoints a regent as he goes to face Andaxius' forces
Report on Frostburn company being accused of causing the deaths of wizards during a magical ritual