East Codager Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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East Codager

East Codager in itself is not an impressive territory. For the Blakfort Dynasty however, it serves as a trophy. It is a reminder that the Blakfort Kingdom could take and hold territory from Atacodia, the kingdom to their East that was an unstoppable, looming threat once.   East Codager is ruled by the Blakfort Dynasty, but besides the prestige it gives them, it isn't the most valuable of their lands.   The duchy is only partially part of the Blakfort Kingdom as most of it is still under the rule of Atacodia, but it is mostly covered in trees as the sizeable Meri Forest is located in the region.   A well-known point of interest in the duchy is Merilacus, a city constructed by Baraton IV 'the Young' for unknown reasons. The city is unusually well designed for the area with a grid layout, sewage and irrigation system and even floor heating in many houses.
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