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2. Deleveu Manor

Deleveu Manor is a fortified estate nestled deep within the Deleveu Woods, located northeast of Ostverk. Serving as both the residence and command center for Lord Corbin Deleveu, the half-elven Warden of the South, the manor is a vital stronghold in the defense of the Verbobonc, Viscounty. Though smaller and more inviting than the neighboring elven fortress Caer Ostverk, Deleveu Manor is a hub of activity, reflecting its lord’s strategic importance in regional politics and military affairs.
As you cross the gnome built stone bridge Deleveu Manor comes into sight. While the manor house is smaller then that of Caer Ostverk, it seems to be much warmer and inviting. Entrance to the estate is through an arch of flowers. The arch is but a part of an expansive wall of greenery, flowers and thorns as long as a hand. The fresh the fresh sent of lylac is all around. It is a hive of activity. People can be seen working the surrounding fields, others are repairing fences and a few are engaged in erecting a stout, stone building that features a square battlement near the trail that runs back to Ostverk village.

Travel to Deleveu Manor

Traveling to Deleveu Manor is a journey through the serene yet rugged landscape of the Deleveu Woods. The manor comes into view as one crosses a gnome-built stone bridge, its inviting warmth contrasting with the wildness of the surrounding forest.
Description of the Journey
  • Gnome-Built Stone Bridge: The journey begins by crossing a beautifully constructed stone bridge, a testament to gnomish engineering, which spans a small, clear stream.
  • Approaching the Manor: As travelers near the manor, they witness the hive of activity surrounding the estate—workers tending the fields, repairing fences, and constructing new buildings.
  • First Impressions: The manor itself, though smaller than 1. Caer Ostverk, exudes a sense of warmth and hospitality. The well-maintained grounds and the inviting atmosphere make visitors feel welcome.

Architecture and Description

Deleveu Manor, though less imposing than its neighboring Caer Ostverk, exudes a warm and welcoming atmosphere. A wall of flowers and shrubbery surrounds the estate. The manor is constructed from sturdy stone and timber, with precise craftsmanship that speaks to the skill of its builders. The pitched roofs, slate shingles, and old-growth oak woodwork contribute to the manor’s timeless aesthetic.
Key Architectural Features
  • Entrance: Entrance to the estate is through an arch of flowers. The arch is but a part of an expansive wall of greenery, flowers and thorns as long as a hand. The fresh the fresh sent of lylac is all around.
  • Main Manor House: The manor is a well-constructed building with straight, level stone walls, oak beams, and slate-covered roofs. The interior is equally impressive, featuring finely crafted furniture, cobbled courtyards, and a well-tended garden.
  • Stables and Courtyard: To the left of the main house is a large stable, with Verbobonc liveries displayed prominently. The courtyard is neat, cobbled to keep down mud, and surrounded by sheds and a stone-lined well.
  • New Constructions: Recently, a stout stone building with a square battlement has been erected near the trail leading back to Ostverk, signaling ongoing efforts to fortify the estate.

History of Deleveu Manor

Deleveu Manor has a storied history tied closely to the lineage of House Deleveu and the defense of the southern borders of the Viscounty. Built by Corbin Deleveu’s ancestors, the manor has stood as a symbol of resilience and protection, guarding the human settlements from threats emerging from the untamed wilderness of the Gnarley Forest.
Key Historical Events
  • Foundation and Construction: The manor was constructed centuries ago by the ancestors of Lord Corbin, using the finest materials sourced from the surrounding forests. Over the years, it has been expanded and fortified to withstand both natural and man-made threats.
  • Role in Regional Defense: Deleveu Manor has long served as a southern bastion, its strategic location making it a key player in the defense against incursions from the wilds of the Gnarley Forest and beyond.

Politics and Regional Influence

Deleveu Manor is a focal point of political and military activity in the region. Lord Corbin Deleveu’s influence extends beyond his estate, affecting the broader dynamics of the Viscounty and its relations with neighboring realms.
Political and Military Roles
  • Strategic Position: Deleveu Manor’s location in the Deleveu Woods gives it strategic importance in defending the Viscounty’s southern borders, particularly against threats from the Gnarley Forest.
  • Military Command: As the headquarters of the Mounted Borderers’ 3rd Company, “The Longriders,” Deleveu Manor plays a crucial role in regional defense, although recent troop reductions have left the barracks nearly empty.
  • Diplomatic Relations: Corbin Deleveu maintains a delicate balance in his relationships with the Viscount of Verbobonc, Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty of Celene, and other regional powers. His efforts to open trade routes and strengthen alliances are vital to the stability of the area.
Concerns and Challenges
  • Closed Borders of Celene: The closed borders of Celene, under Queen Yolande’s decree, present ongoing challenges for trade and diplomacy, heightening tensions between the human and elven realms. While Corbin respects the sovereignty of Celene, the closed borders have complicated their relationship, making diplomacy a delicate matter.
  • Rise of Banditry and Iuz: The growing threat of banditry in the region, coupled with the resurgence of Iuz to the far north, has placed additional strain on Deleveu’s resources and military readiness.
  • Mounted Borderers’ Depletion: With Viscount Wilfrick Revepaix’s recent decision to pull back Mounted Borderer patrols from the Kron Hills, Deleveu Manor’s barracks remain depleted, with only a dozen men still stationed there, raising concerns about the region’s vulnerability.
  • Gnarley Forest: Corbin works closely with The Gnarley Rangers to protect the forest and maintain order in the region, fostering a strong and cooperative relationship. Specifically Ranger Knight Wyn and Ranger Knight Owain.


Deleveu Manor stands as a beacon of stability and protection in the northeastern corner of the Deleveu Woods. Under the leadership of Lord Corbin Deleveu, this fortified estate plays a critical role in the defense of the Viscounty, the maintenance of peace with Celene, and the ongoing struggle against rising threats in the region. Despite recent challenges, including the depletion of the Mounted Borderers and the growing tensions with neighboring realms, Deleveu Manor remains a vital stronghold, committed to the safety and prosperity of the lands it oversees.

Mounted Borders 3rd Company

“The Longriders” Mounts will be medium and/or light warhorses. Numbers as follows
    • 1 captain: Fighter 5 Marcones Carrio
    • 2 lieutenants: Fighter 3 Aedan Pendarvis
    • 1 scout (half-elf): Ranger 5 Fernan
    • 4 sergeants: Fighter 3
    • 18 mounted patrol men: Fighter 2
  • Deleveu Manor treasure
    Show spoiler
    In his inner room, he has a locked chest containing 4 potions of extra-healing and 3000 gp in gems, as well as 529 gp and 303 sp. Each potion has a 50% chance to break if the chest is smashed open by violence.
    Deleveu Manor Elven by 3orcs

    Leadership and Inhabitants

    Deleveu Manor is under the command of Lord Corbin Deleveu, a half-elf of noble lineage who has dedicated his life to the protection of the southern borders and the maintenance of peace between the human and elven realms. Lord Corbin Deleveu
    • Role and Responsibilities: As the Warden of the South and Knight Captain of the Mounted Borderers, Corbin oversees the defense of the region and the operations of the Mounted Borderers.
    • Personality and Leadership Style: Known for his strategic acumen and balanced approach, Corbin is a leader who commands respect through wisdom and fairness. He maintains strong relationships with both human and elven communities, bridging the gap between the two cultures.
    Lady Mariya Deleveu and Family
    • Lady Mariya Deleveu: Corbin’s wife, a grey elf with deep ties to the Enlanefel clan of Celene, plays a significant role in the household. Her concerns about urbanization and its impact on nature influence many of Corbin’s policies.
    • Sirya Deleveu: Their daughter, Sirya, shares her mother’s grace but harbors a fascination with rogue adventurers, often causing tension within the family due to her rebellious nature.
    Mounted Borderer Company
    • Marcones Carrio: Captain of the 3rd Company of the Mounted Borderers, known as “The Longriders.” Marcones is a seasoned fighter dedicated to the defense of the southern borders.
    • Aedan Pendarvis: A lieutenant under Carrio, Aedan is a skilled fighter responsible for leading patrols and training new recruits.
    • Fernan: A half-elf scout and ranger, Fernan’s knowledge of the Gnarley Forest makes him invaluable in reconnaissance and intelligence gathering.
    Mounted Borderer names
    Jagu, Dewi, Galib, Kadir, Sead, Ferid, Faruk
    Manor house / Meeting hall
    Parent Location
    Owning Organization

    Deleveu Manor Map Layout

    Main Manor House
    Entrance Hall
    • Description: The main entrance opens into a grand hall with high ceilings and a large chandelier. This hall serves as the primary reception area for visitors.
    • Features: Coat racks, large wooden doors, a staircase leading to the upper floors, and a passage leading deeper into the manor.
    Great Hall
    • Description: A large, open space used for gatherings, meals, and meetings. The great hall is decorated with banners and tapestries that reflect the history of House Deleveu.
    • Features: Long wooden tables, a grand fireplace, and large windows overlooking the courtyard.
    Lord's Study
    • Description: The personal study of Lord Corbin Deleveu, filled with maps, documents, and books. This room is where Corbin conducts his official duties and meetings.
    • Features: A large desk, bookshelves, a map of the region, and a comfortable seating area for visitors.
    Dining Room
    • Description: A more intimate space for family meals or smaller gatherings. The dining room is adjacent to the great hall and connected to the kitchen.
    • Features: A long dining table, elegant chairs, and a sideboard for serving meals.
    • Description: The heart of the manor's domestic activities, where meals are prepared by the manor's staff.
    • Features: Large hearth, preparation tables, hanging pots and pans, and storage for ingredients.
    Guest Quarters
    • Description: Comfortable rooms for visitors, offering privacy and a touch of luxury. Located on the upper floors of the manor.
    • Features: Plush beds, private baths, and small sitting areas.
    Family Quarters
    • Description: The private living quarters for Lord Corbin, Lady Mariya, and Sirya. These rooms are located in a more secluded part of the manor, offering both comfort and security.
    • Features: Master bedroom, Lady Mariya's private garden, Sirya's room with a small balcony, and private baths.

    Outer Structures

    • Description: Located to the left of the manor house, the stables are large and well-maintained, housing the horses of the Mounted Borderers and the family's own steeds.
    • Features: Verbobonc liveries, stalls for horses, tack room, and quarters for stable hands.
    • Description: A central cobbled courtyard connecting the manor house to the stables and other outer buildings. The courtyard is kept tidy and is the main hub of activity within the estate.
    • Features: Cobblestone paving, a central fountain, sheds for firewood, and benches.
    Newly Constructed Barracks
    • Description: A stout, stone building currently under construction, located near the trail leading back to Ostverk. This building will serves as the housing of the Mounted Borderer Longriders company.
    • Features: Square battlement, stone walls, and space for future development.
    Servants' Quarters
    • Description: Modest rooms located in a separate building, where the manor's staff resides. These quarters provide privacy and comfort for those who serve the Deleveu family.
    • Features: Shared living spaces, small private rooms, and a communal kitchen.
    Stone Well
    • Description: Located in the courtyard, the well provides fresh water for the manor. The well is stone-lined and equipped with a rope and bucket attached to a winch.
    • Features: Waist-high stone wall, sturdy winch, and clear, fresh water.

    Surrounding Area

    Fields and Gardens
    • Description: The land surrounding Deleveu Manor includes well-tended fields for crops and gardens maintained by Lady Mariya. These areas provide food and medicinal herbs for the manor.
    • Features: Rows of crops, herb gardens, and flowering plants.
    Gnome-Built Stone Bridge
    • Description: The main approach to Deleveu Manor crosses a beautifully constructed stone bridge, a work of gnomish engineering. The bridge spans a clear stream, marking the entrance to the estate.
    • Features: Stone arches, decorative carvings, and a scenic view of the stream below.
    Perimeter Wall
    • Description: A low stone wall surrounds the manor, providing a first line of defense. The wall is reinforced with wooden stakes and is regularly patrolled by guards.
    • Features: Stone construction, guard posts, and wooden stake

    Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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