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8. Ostverk Marketplace

The Ostverk Marketplace, known locally as The Gathering Square, is the vibrant and bustling heart of Ostverk. Located in the center of the village, it serves as the primary hub for trade, social interaction, and community events. Here, farmers, artisans, and merchants from Ostverk and the surrounding regions come together to sell their goods, exchange news, and enjoy the company of their neighbors. The marketplace is not only a center of commerce but also a reflection of the village's cultural and social life, providing a vital space for both economic activity and communal bonding.

Ostverk Market History

The Gathering Square has been a focal point of Ostverk since the village’s founding. Originally a simple clearing where villagers would meet to trade goods, it has evolved into a well-organized market space that plays a crucial role in the village’s economy. Over the years, the marketplace has expanded, accommodating a growing number of stalls and vendors as Ostverk has prospered.
Key Historical Events
  • Founding of Ostverk: The marketplace was established shortly after the founding of the village, serving as the primary area for trade and interaction among the early settlers.
  • Growth and Expansion: As Ostverk grew, so did its marketplace. The area was gradually expanded to include more stalls and spaces for vendors, reflecting the village’s increasing importance as a trading hub.
  • Involvement of the Town Guard: With the growth of the market came the need for order and protection. The town guard began overseeing the marketplace, ensuring that trade could proceed peacefully and that any disputes were quickly resolved.

Architecture and Layout

The Gathering Square is a large, open space surrounded by the village’s key structures, including the 7. Ostverk Guardhouse, the 6. Shrines of Divine Order and several prominent shops and homes. The square is covered with sturdy wooden tables and colorful tents that provide shade for the vendors and their goods. A network of paths connects the square to the rest of the village, allowing easy access for both villagers and visitors.

Leadership and Key Figures

The daily operations of the Gathering Square are overseen by Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu, the mayor of Ostverk, whose primary concern is the prosperity and security of the village’s merchant life. He is assisted by the town guards, who enforce the laws and maintain peace within the market.
Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu
  • Role: As the mayor of Ostverk, Lord Corbin Deleveu is deeply involved in the marketplace's operations. He ensures that trade runs smoothly and that any disputes are quickly resolved. His leadership has helped the market thrive, making it a cornerstone of the village’s economy.
  • Oversight: Corbin regularly visits the marketplace to oversee its operations, interact with the vendors, and address any issues that arise. His presence is a reassuring sight for the villagers, who trust in his ability to maintain order and prosperity.
The Town Guard
  • Role: The town guards are responsible for maintaining order in the marketplace. They patrol the square, monitor transactions, and ensure that the rules are followed. Any breach of the peace is swiftly dealt with, and violators are detained in the guardhouse’s dungeon cells until their case can be heard.
  • Daily Duties: Captain Baran Feath  assigned 4 guards presence deters crime and helps maintain a peaceful atmosphere.

Trade and Commerce

The Gathering Square is the economic heart of Ostverk, where a wide variety of goods are bought and sold. The marketplace is known for its vibrant trade, with vendors offering everything from fresh produce to handcrafted goods. Items listed in the Player’s Handbook costing 100 gp or less are commonly available here, making it a vital resource for adventurers and locals alike.
Key Goods and Services
  • Agricultural Products: The marketplace is filled with fresh produce from local farms, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products. These goods are essential to the village’s food supply and are a key part of the market’s offerings.
  • Artisan Wares: Local artisans sell a variety of handcrafted goods, including pottery, textiles, tools, and jewelry. These items are highly valued for their quality and craftsmanship.
  • Adventuring Supplies: Adventurers passing through Ostverk can find essential supplies at the marketplace, including weapons, armor, and equipment. While more specialized items may require a trip to a larger city, the basics are readily available.
  • Livestock and Animals: Farmers and herders bring their livestock to market, offering animals such as chickens, goats, and sheep for sale. Horses and other mounts can also be purchased, though they are less common.

Vendors of the Gathering Square

The Gathering Square in Ostverk is a bustling market where the diverse cultures of the village and its surrounding areas come together. While human merchants form the majority of vendors, the market also sees a significant presence of elves from the Gnarley Forest and gnomes from the Kron Hills. These vendors bring unique goods, each reflecting the rich heritage and craftsmanship of their respective communities.
Human Merchants from Ostverk and the Viscounty of Verbobonc
The backbone of the Gathering Square’s commerce is the human merchants, most of whom are locals from Ostverk, supplemented by traders traveling from other parts of the Verbobonc, Viscounty. Despite the risks of bandit raids on the roads leading to Ostverk, these merchants continue to brave the journey, driven by the promise of profitable trade in the village’s vibrant market.
  • Local Farmers and Artisans: The majority of human vendors in the market are farmers and artisans from Ostverk. They offer fresh produce, dairy products, meats, and a variety of handcrafted goods such as textiles, pottery, and tools. These goods are essential to the daily life of Ostverk’s residents.
  • Traveling Merchants: Traders from other parts of the Viscounty of Verbobonc bring items that are not readily available in Ostverk, such as fine textiles, exotic spices, and rare herbs. These merchants face significant risks on their journeys, as the roads are increasingly plagued by bandits. The withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers has made these routes even more perilous, yet the promise of trade in Ostverk’s thriving marketplace draws them in.
Elven Vendors from the Gnarley Forest
Elven vendors from the Elves of the Gnarley Forest bring a mystical and enchanting element to the Gathering Square. Representing the four major clans of the forest—Sherendyl, Meldarin, Fealefel, and Enlanefel—these elves offer goods that are deeply connected to their ancient traditions and the natural magic of the forest.
  • Sherendyl Clan: Known as skilled warriors and strategists, the Sherendyl clan members bring finely crafted weapons, such as longbows and arrows, to the market. These weapons are made from the rare woods and materials of the Gnarley Forest, valued for their strength and beauty.
  • Meldarin Clan: Masters of magic and protectors of the fey creatures within the forest, the Meldarin elves offer enchanted items and potions. Their goods often carry protective charms or are imbued with minor magical properties, appealing to both adventurers and locals.
  • Fealefel Clan: Renowned for their artistry and craftsmanship, the Fealefel clan’s offerings include exquisite woodwork, delicate jewelry, and beautifully crafted tools. Their items are not only functional but also works of art, reflecting the clan’s deep connection to the heartlands of the Gnarley Forest.
  • Enlanefel Clan: As diplomats and scouts who maintain the fragile peace with humans, the Enlanefel elves offer goods that facilitate communication and negotiation. They provide intricately designed scroll cases, beautifully inscribed parchments, and other items related to their role in diplomacy and scouting.
Gnome Vendors from Clan Nackle and Beyond
The gnomes of Ostverk and the Kron Hills, particularly those from Clan Nackle, are known for their exceptional craftsmanship, especially in the fields of gem cutting and jewelry making. These vendors bring a unique touch to the market, offering goods that are highly prized for their quality and artistry.
  • Clan Nackle: This prominent gnome family specializes in gems and jewelry, sourcing their materials from the hidden and secretive mines of the Kron Hills. The gems offered by Clan Nackle are of exceptional quality, and their jewelry is renowned for its intricate designs and fine craftsmanship. These items are highly sought after by both locals and travelers.
  • Gnome Artisans: In addition to jewelry, gnome vendors offer a variety of other finely crafted goods, such as clockwork mechanisms, ornate lockboxes, and delicate metalwork. Their stalls are popular among those who appreciate precision and detail, and their products are often considered treasures of the market.

Social and Political Influence

The Gathering Square is not just a place of commerce; it is also a center of social and political life in Ostverk. The interactions that take place here reflect the broader dynamics of the village and its relationships with neighboring powers.
Relations with the Elves of Caer Ostverk and the Druids of the Gnarley Forest
  • Diplomatic Relations: The marketplace serves as a neutral ground where humans, elves, and gnomes can interact and conduct trade. The presence of elves from 1. Caer Ostverk and druids from the Gnarley Forest is common, as they bring unique goods and perspectives to the market.
  • Cultural Exchange: The market facilitates cultural exchange between the various communities, helping to maintain peace and cooperation. However, the recent closure of Celene’s borders by Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty has strained these relationships, making it more challenging to maintain open trade routes.
Concerns Over the Closed Borders of Celene
  • Impact on Trade: The closure of Celene’s borders has disrupted the flow of goods and increased tensions between the human and elven populations. This has led to shortages of certain items and increased prices, causing frustration among the villagers.
  • Rising Tensions: The political situation has created an undercurrent of tension in the marketplace. While open conflict has been avoided, there is a growing sense of unease as traders and villagers worry about the future.

Current Challenges and Issues

Despite its vibrant atmosphere, the Gathering Square faces several challenges that threaten its stability and prosperity. Rise of Banditry and Raids
  • Increased Threats: The withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers from the Kron Hills has left Ostverk more vulnerable to bandit attacks. These raids have disrupted trade routes and made it more dangerous for merchants to travel to and from the village.
  • Security Concerns: The town guard has had to increase its presence in the marketplace to protect against potential threats. While this has helped maintain order, it has also stretched the guard’s resources thin.
Depleted Mounted Borderers
  • Empty Barracks: The barracks, once home to the Mounted Borderers, now stand mostly empty. This has left a gap in the village’s defenses and has contributed to the rising sense of vulnerability among the villagers.
  • Impact on Morale: The depletion of the Mounted Borderers has had a noticeable impact on the morale of both the guards and the villagers. Many fear that without their protection, Ostverk could fall prey to more frequent and devastating raids.

Notable Persons and Inhabitants

The Gathering Square is frequented by a variety of notable individuals who play key roles in the life of the village. These figures are well-known within Ostverk and are respected for their contributions to the community.
Key Figures
  • Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu: As the mayor of Ostverk, Corbin is a central figure in the marketplace. His leadership has helped the market thrive, and he is often seen interacting with vendors and ensuring that trade runs smoothly.
  • Shandril: The cleric of Beory, Shandril occasionally visits the marketplace to purchase supplies and to offer blessings to the vendors. Her presence is always welcome, as she is seen as a protector of the village.
  • Captain Baran Feath: The Captain of the Guard, Baran is responsible for the safety of the marketplace. His stern demeanor and military background ensure that order is maintained, and his presence is a deterrent to would-be troublemakers.


The Gathering Square is more than just a marketplace; it is the heart of Ostverk, where the village’s economic, social, and political life converge. Under the watchful eye of Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu and the protection of the town guard, the market continues to thrive despite the challenges it faces. However, the growing tensions with Celene, the rise in banditry, and the depletion of the Mounted Borderers have cast a shadow over the square, creating a sense of uncertainty about the future. As Ostverk navigates these troubled times, the Gathering Square remains a symbol of the village’s resilience and determination to persevere.
Ostverk Marketplace by 3orcs
Market Square Key Features
  • Stalls and Tents: The marketplace is filled with rows of stalls and tents, where merchants display their wares. Each stall is assigned a specific space within the square, creating an organized and efficient layout that allows for easy navigation.
  • Central Fountain: At the center of the square is a simple stone fountain, which serves as a gathering point for villagers and provides fresh water for both vendors and their animals.
  • Public Notice Board: A large wooden board near the entrance to the square is used to post public notices, announcements, and advertisements. It is a key source of information for villagers and visitors alike.
  • Security Posts: The marketplace is patrolled by the town guard, with four guards on duty at any given time. These guards ensure the safety of the vendors and maintain order within the square.
Alternative Names
The Gathering Square
Market square
Parent Location
Owning Organization

1. Farley's Fresh Produce Stand

  • Merchant: Lysa Farley, a burly human farmer with a broad smile and a love for the land.
  • Description: The 20. Farley Homestead regularly sets up a stall in Ostverk’s market square, where they sell their produce to the townsfolk and travelers. Their stall is a popular fixture, known for its fresh and hearty vegetables. Lysa Farley’s stall is piled high with baskets of fresh fruits and vegetables, harvested from his farm just outside Ostverk. He is known for his hearty laughs and the generosity with which he throws in an extra apple or two for loyal customers.
  • Apples (per dozen) – 2 cp
  • Carrots (per bunch) – 1 cp
  • Potatoes (per sack) – 5 cp
  • Fresh Herbs (per bundle) – 3 cp
Lysa Farley by 3orcs

2. Elara’s Herbal Remedies

  • Merchant: Elara Sherendyl, an elven healer from the Sherendyl Clan, with a serene presence and deep knowledge of herbs.
  • Description: Elara’s stall is filled with pouches of dried herbs, jars of salves, and bottles of tinctures. She offers remedies for everything from common colds to more mystical ailments. Her goods are popular among both villagers and adventurers.
  • Healing Salve (small jar) – 5 sp
  • Herbal Tea Blend (per pouch) – 2 sp
  • Dreamleaf Elixir (for restful sleep) – 1 gp
  • Forest Balm (for minor wounds) – 3 sp

3. Nackle’s Gem and Jewelry Emporium

  • Merchant: Borin Nackle, a meticulous gnome jeweler from Clan Nackle, known for his sharp eye and fine craftsmanship.
  • Description: Borin’s stall gleams with polished gemstones and intricate jewelry. Each piece is crafted with care, and Borin takes pride in the quality of his work, which is sought after by both locals and travelers.
  • Silver Ring with Amethyst – 10 gp
  • Polished Emerald (small) – 25 gp
  • Gold Necklace with Ruby Pendant – 75 gp
  • Gnome-crafted Brooch (ornate design) – 15 gp

4. The Wondrous Wares of Thalindor

  • Merchant: Thalindor Meldarin, an elven mage from the Meldarin Clan, who is as mysterious as the enchanted items he sells.
  • Description: Thalindor’s stall is draped in deep blue cloth, with various enchanted items and magical trinkets on display. His wares range from simple charms to items imbued with minor magical properties. He is known for his deep knowledge of arcane lore.
  • Minor Protection Amulet – 500 gp
  • Glowstone (provides light) – 150 gp
  • Whispering Scroll (contains a single message spell) – 250 gp
  • Feywood Wand (non-magical, beautifully crafted) – 100 gp

5. Yelena’s Fine Fabrics and Textiles

  • Merchant: Yelena Pendarvis, a human merchant with an eye for quality and a passion for exotic fabrics.
  • Description: Yelena’s stall is a riot of color, with bolts of fabric from across the lands. She specializes in fine textiles, offering materials that range from simple cottons to luxurious silks. Her goods are popular with the village’s tailors and those looking to add a touch of elegance to their wardrobes.
  • Cotton Cloth (per yard) – 5 cp
  • Woolen Fabric (per yard) – 1 sp
  • Silk (per yard) – 5 gp
  • Embroidered Shawl – 2 gp

6. Marin's Exotic Spices

  • Merchant: Marin Tarfel, a human trader who has traveled extensively, bringing back spices and flavors from distant lands.
  • Description: Marin’s stall is a fragrant wonder, with jars and pouches filled with spices from across the world. His goods are a bit more expensive, but for those who enjoy culinary adventures, they are well worth the price.
  • Saffron (per small vial) – 1 gp
  • Cinnamon Sticks (per bundle) – 2 sp
  • Peppercorns (per pouch) – 5 sp
  • Dried Lavender (for cooking or sachets) – 3 sp

8. Lyra’s Treats

  • Merchant: Lyra Brighthand, a cheerful human baker with a love for creating delicious treats that bring smiles to her customers.
  • Description: Lyra’s stall is always warm and inviting, with the smell of freshly baked bread and pastries wafting through the air. Her baked goods are baked at her cottage, and her stall is always busy with customers.
  • Fresh Bread Loaf – 2 cp
  • Honey Cakes (per dozen) – 1 sp
  • Meat Pies (each) – 5 cp
  • Sweet Rolls (each) – 3 cp

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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