9. The Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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9. The Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse

The two story stout stone structure stands 30 feet on a side with few narrow braced windows. Its front wide entrance mills half a dozen vigilant guards ready to address any sound of alarm. Well prepared, they wear chain over leather with House Asbury surcoats, spears and short swords. A few have crossbows within hands reach. Above, the House Asbury banner proudly stands as a symbol that these lands are under the protection of House Asbury. One of the guardsmen steps forward to the edge of the landing. Often, guardsmen, local craftsmen, landowners and couriers come and go.
The Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse is a stout stone structure in the township of Cienega Valley, serving as a critical symbol of security and authority under House Asbury. As tensions rise due to territorial disputes, this guardhouse has become a focal point of protection and order in the region.


The Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse is strategically located in the heart of Cienega Valley, near the Black Griffon Inn and the central market square. Its position ensures maximum visibility and accessibility for both the guards and the townsfolk.
Exterior Description
The guardhouse is a two-story stone structure, 30 feet on each side, with few narrow, braced windows. Its front entrance is wide, often milling with half a dozen vigilant guards. The guards are well-prepared, wearing chain mail over leather with House Asbury surcoats, and are equipped with spears, short swords, and crossbows. Above the entrance, the House Asbury banner proudly flies, symbolizing the protection and authority of the house over these lands.
Interior Description
Inside, the guardhouse is functional and well-organized. The ground floor houses the armory, barracks, and a common room for the guards. The upper floor includes offices, a briefing room, and private quarters for the captain and lieutenant. The interior is sparsely decorated, focusing on utility and efficiency.


The Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse was established to reinforce the security of Cienega Valley amidst rising tensions between House Asbury and House Milinous. Lady Elinor Asbury's investment in the guardhouse signifies her commitment to protecting the region and maintaining order.
Significant Events
  • Establishment: Built to secure Cienega Valley and assert House Asbury's authority.
  • Rising Tensions: Played a crucial role during territorial disputes with House Milinous.
  • Current Role: Continues to serve as the primary bastion of security in the village.

Politics of Verbobonc

The guardhouse plays a pivotal role in the political landscape of the Viscounty of Verbobonc, balancing the interests of House Asbury, House Milinous, and the local community.
Regional Impact
  • House Asbury: Reinforces their authority and protection in the region.
  • House Milinous: Serves as a deterrent to their territorial ambitions. Captain Jareth Thorne holds a cautious yet respectful opinion of Captain Greyson Read of House Milinous, stationed at the 4. Black Griffon Inn. While they both serve as leaders and protectors of their respective houses, the rivalry between House Asbury and House Milinous often places them on opposing sides.
  • Local Community: Ensures peace and order, gaining the trust of villagers.
Balancing Relationships
The guardhouse navigates complex political relationships, maintaining neutrality while ensuring the security and prosperity of Cienega Valley.
  • Neutrality: Avoids direct conflicts while asserting authority.
  • Security and Prosperity: Focuses on the well-being of the community.
Key Figures and Allies
  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Collaborates on security and governance.
  • Canon Austol Pengelly (Chapel of the Cudgel): Supports justice and order.
  • High Priest Yvan Cross (Temple of Pelor): Promotes peace and healing.
  • Tanithil Mornala (Hearth of Obad-Hai): Maintains harmony with the Old Faith.
  • Tibor Timason (Black Griffon Inn): Ensures the inn remains peaceful.
  • Ytor Pense (Hedge Knight): Monitors his actions for potential conflicts.


The Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse stands as a bastion of security and order in Cienega Valley. Under the leadership of Captain Jareth Thorne and Lieutenant Brander Fenn, the guardhouse ensures the safety and prosperity of the village. Through strategic alliances and careful diplomacy, the guardhouse navigates the complex political landscape of the Viscounty of Verbobonc, maintaining peace and asserting the authority of House Asbury.

Asbury Guardmen roster

Anlow, Arando, Bram, Cale, Dalkon, Daylen, Dodd, Dungarth, Dyrk, Eandro, Falken, Feck, Fenton, Gryphero, Hagar, Jeras, Krynt, Lavant, Leyten, Madian, Malfier, Markus, Meklan, Namen, Navaren, Nerle, Nilus, Ningyan, Norris, Quentin, Semil, Sevenson, Steveren, Talfen, Tamond, Taran, Tavon, Tegan, Vanan, Vincent   Equipment:
Long Sword
Short Sword
Light Crossbow
Studded Leather
Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse by 3orcs
"Loyalty to House Asbury is loyalty to Cienega Valley."
Captain of the Guard: Jareth Greensward 
Captain Jareth Greensward is a seasoned and formidable leader in his early fifties, with a rugged appearance and a commanding presence. His piercing blue eyes and salt-and-pepper hair reflect years of experience and dedication.
Jareth is strict but fair, deeply committed to his duty and the protection of Cienega Valley. He demands discipline and loyalty from his men, and he leads by example.
  • Strict but Fair: Upholds discipline and justice.
  • Dedicated: Deep commitment to duty and protection.
  • Leader by Example: Inspires loyalty and respect.
Jareth is motivated by a sense of duty to House Asbury and the desire to maintain peace and security in Cienega Valley. He seeks to protect the villagers and uphold the rule of law.
  • Duty to House Asbury: Loyal and dedicated.
  • Maintain Peace: Strives for security and order.
  • Protect Villagers: Committed to the community's well-being.
Captain Jareth Thorne by 3orcs
Political Relationships
  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Works closely to ensure village security and governance.
  • Asbury Manor: Loyal to Lady Elinor Asbury, ensuring her commands are executed.
  • House Milinous: Maintains a cautious relationship, avoiding direct conflict.
  • Canon Austol Pengelly (Chapel of the Cudgel): Collaborates on maintaining order and justice.
  • High Priest Yvan Cross (Temple of Pelor): Supports his efforts in promoting peace and healing.
  • Tanithil Mornala (Hearth of Obad-Hai): Respects his role in the community.
  • Tibor Timason (Black Griffon Inn): Keeps a watchful eye on the inn, ensuring no disturbances.
  • Ytor Pense (Hedge Knight): Monitors his activities, ensuring no conflict arises.
Lieutenant: Brander Fenn
Lieutenant Brander Fenn is a younger man in his thirties, with a sharp mind and a quick reflex. He is of medium build, with short brown hair and keen green eyes.
Brander is ambitious and eager to prove himself. He is loyal to Jareth and House Asbury and is known for his strategic thinking and bravery in the face of danger.
  • Ambitious: Eager to prove his worth.
  • Loyal: Devoted to Jareth and House Asbury.
  • Strategic Thinker: Known for his tactical skills.
Brander seeks to advance his career and prove his loyalty to House Asbury. He is dedicated to maintaining the guardhouse's reputation and efficiency.
  • Career Advancement: Aims to rise through the ranks.
  • Loyalty: Dedicated to House Asbury.
  • Reputation: Maintains high standards for the guardhouse.
"Halt! Who are you and state your business."
"Disrespect the law, and you disrespect me."
Guard post / house
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Asbury coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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