Jareth Greensward Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Jareth Greensward

Captain Greensward

Captain Jareth Greensward is the esteemed leader of the Asbury House Guards stationed at the Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse in Cienega Valley. Known for his unwavering dedication, strategic mind, and formidable presence, Jareth Thorne plays a crucial role in maintaining the security and stability of the region amidst rising tensions and political intrigue.


Captain Jareth Thorne is a seasoned warrior in his early fifties, standing tall and rugged with a commanding presence. His piercing blue eyes and salt-and-pepper hair reflect years of experience and dedication. Jareth's weathered face is marked by the trials of countless battles, yet his stern expression reveals a deep commitment to his duty.


Jareth Thorne's history is marked by a life of service and dedication. Born into a family with a strong tradition of military service, he joined the ranks of House Asbury's guards at a young age. Over the years, he proved himself through his bravery and tactical acumen, rising through the ranks to become the captain of the guardhouse.
  • Family Tradition: Born into a family with a history of military service.
  • Early Service: Joined House Asbury's guards at a young age.
  • Rising Through Ranks: Proved himself through bravery and tactical skill.
  • Current Role: Captain of the Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse.

Political Relationships

Mayor Marcus Greensward
Jareth works closely with Mayor Marcus Greensward, ensuring the security and governance of Cienega Valley. Their collaboration is crucial in maintaining the stability and prosperity of the village.
  • Collaboration: Works closely with the mayor on security matters.
  • Supportive Relationship: Ensures governance and stability.
  • Supportive Partnership: Appreciates Marcus's backing of the guards.
"Marcus's support for the guards is invaluable; it strengthens our ability to protect the village."
House Asbury
As a loyal servant of House Asbury, Jareth ensures that Lady Elinor Asbury's commands are executed faithfully. His dedication to the noble house is unwavering, and he strives to uphold their authority in the region.
  • Loyal Servant: Dedicated to House Asbury's commands.
  • Uphold Authority: Ensures the noble house's influence in the region.
"Our family's legacy is intertwined with House Asbury. We stand united."
House Milinous
Jareth maintains a cautious relationship with House Milinous, aware of their ambitions and potential for conflict with House Asbury. He remains vigilant and neutral, focusing on his duty to protect Cienega Valley.
  • Cautious Relationship: Navigates carefully to avoid conflict.
  • Neutral Stance: Focuses on duty without taking sides.
"Milinous's ambitions threaten the peace and stability of our valley."
High Priest Yvan Cross (Shining Temple of Pelor)
Jareth values the wisdom and cooperation of High Priest Yvan Cross, supporting his efforts in promoting peace and healing in the community. Their collaboration strengthens the moral and spiritual fabric of Cienega Valley.
  • Valued Ally: Supports peace and healing efforts.
  • Collaborative Efforts: Strengthens community's moral fabric.
"Yvan's wisdom is a beacon of light in these uncertain times."
Canon Austol Pengelly (Chapel of the Cudgel)
Jareth works closely with Canon Austol Pengelly to maintain order and justice in the village. Their combined efforts ensure that the community adheres to the laws and principles of St. Cuthbert.
  • Close Collaboration: Maintains order and justice.
  • Combined Efforts: Ensures adherence to laws and principles.
"Austol's devotion to St. Cuthbert inspires us all."
Tanithil Mornala (Hearth of Obad-Hai) Jareth respects the role of Tanithil Mornala in the community and maintains a harmonious relationship with the druid. He recognizes the importance of the Old Faith in Cienega Valley and supports its place in the village.
  • Respectful Relationship: Values the druid's role.
  • Harmonious Interaction: Supports the Old Faith's place in the village.
"Tanithil's connection to the land is vital for our sustainable future."
Tibor Timason (Black Griffon Inn)
Jareth keeps a watchful eye on the Black Griffon Inn, ensuring that no disturbances arise. He maintains a professional relationship with Tibor Timason, respecting his position as the innkeeper while ensuring the inn remains peaceful.
  • Watchful Eye: Monitors the inn for disturbances.
  • Professional Relationship: Respects the innkeeper's role.
Ytor Pense (Hedge Knight)
Jareth monitors the activities of Ytor Pense, ensuring that the hedge knight's presence does not disrupt the peace of Cienega Valley. He respects Ytor's skills but remains vigilant for any potential conflicts.
  • Vigilant Monitoring: Ensures no disruptions from the hedge knight.
  • Respects Skills: Acknowledges Ytor's abilities.
Captain Greyson Read of House Milinous stationed at the 4. Black Griffon Inn
Captain Jareth Thorne holds a cautious yet respectful opinion of Captain Greyson Read of House Milinous, stationed at the Black Griffon Inn. While they both serve as leaders and protectors of their respective houses, the rivalry between House Asbury and House Milinous often places them on opposing sides.
  • Cautious Respect: Acknowledges Greyson's skills but remains wary.
  • Professional Rivalry: Understands the competitive dynamic between their houses.
  • Opposing Sides: Often find themselves with conflicting interests.
"Greyson's presence in the valley is a constant reminder of the Milinous threat."
Navigating Tensions Jareth is acutely aware of the underlying tensions between House Asbury and House Milinous. He carefully navigates his interactions with Greyson to avoid unnecessary conflicts, ensuring that their rivalry does not compromise the security and stability of Cienega Valley.
  • Aware of Tensions: Understands the political landscape.
  • Careful Navigation: Avoids unnecessary conflicts.
  • Close Monitoring: Keeps an eye on Greyson's activities.
"Navigating tensions with Greyson requires careful strategy and vigilance is crucial; we must ensure House Milinous respects our boundaries."
Commander Olean Rodrigo (Fort Emridy)
Captain Jareth Thorne and Commander Olean Rodrigo share a strong professional relationship based on mutual respect and a common goal: the defense and stability of Cienega Valley. Both leaders understand the importance of cooperation between the Jewel of Asbury Guardhouse and Fort Emridy, especially given the rising tensions in the region. Their coordinated efforts ensure that both the village and the surrounding areas remain secure.
  • Mutual Respect: Both leaders value each other's skills and dedication.
  • Common Goal: Focused on the defense and stability of Cienega Valley.
  • Coordinated Efforts: Ensure security for both the village and surrounding areas.
Joint Operations
Jareth and Olean frequently collaborate on joint operations to patrol the borders and respond to threats. Their combined forces are a formidable deterrent to bandits, raiders, and any external threats. This collaboration is essential in maintaining peace and order in the valley.
  • Patrols: Regular joint patrols to secure the borders.
  • Threat Response: Rapid and effective response to threats.
  • Formidable Deterrent: Combined forces prevent external threats.
"Commander Rodrigo is a man of honor and strength; our cooperation is vital to Cienega Valley's security."


Captain Jareth Thorne stands as the stalwart protector of Cienega Valley, leading the Asbury House Guards with unwavering dedication and strategic acumen. His relationships with key political and religious figures ensure the stability and prosperity of the village. Through his disciplined leadership and commitment to justice, Jareth Thorne embodies the principles of House Asbury, ensuring that Cienega Valley remains a safe and thriving community.


Family Ties

Older cousin of mayor Marcus Greensward  and Baroness Elinor Asbury and Boditea Greensward. He followed the Greenward tradition of military service but got married at a younger age and settled down to be a garrison commander on the ancestral lands of House Asbury. His Shelvia Greensward with 5 children lives on a small estate to the north. His love for his family and lands run deep and will go to great lengths to protect them.
"Loyalty to House Asbury is loyalty to Cienega Valley."
Captain Jareth Greensward
  • 7th level fighter
  • Fighter level 6
  • Hit Points 66 (6d10)
  • 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 17 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
Jareth Greensward is strict but fair, demanding discipline and loyalty from his men. He is deeply committed to his duty and the protection of Cienega Valley, always leading by example. His stern demeanor is balanced by a deep sense of justice and compassion for the villagers he protects.
  • Strict but Fair: Upholds discipline and justice.
  • Dedicated: Deep commitment to duty and protection.
  • Leader by Example: Inspires loyalty and respect.
  • Compassionate: Cares deeply for the well-being of the villagers.
Jareth is motivated by a sense of duty to House Asbury and a desire to maintain peace and security in Cienega Valley. He seeks to protect the villagers and uphold the rule of law, ensuring that the community thrives under his watchful eye.
  • Duty to House Asbury: Loyal and dedicated to the noble house.
  • Maintain Peace: Strives for security and order in the region.
  • Protect Villagers: Committed to the community's well-being.
  • Uphold Law: Ensures justice and fairness.
Lawful good
Year of Birth
544 32 Years old
Expression: Stern and determined
Piercing blue
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Our duty is to protect and serve, no matter the cost."
St Cuthbert
Aligned Organization
Asbury coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Captain Jareth Thorne by 3orcs


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