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Inn of the Welcome Wench Floor Key


1. Common Room
This large and bright common room is the heart of the inn, filled with laughter, conversation, and the aroma of delicious food. Rough-hewn tables, chairs, and benches fill the space, supported by natural tree trunk pillars darkened with smoke and age. During the daytime, 3d4 customers can be found here, a mix of travelers, merchants, tinkers, and local folk. In the evening, the number of patrons doubles. Barmaids and bus-boys circulate, bringing finger foods and drinks, and stoking the fires. When the player characters enter for the first time, they are warmly welcomed by an obviously inebriated gentleman named Elmo, who begs them to regale him with their tales of the road.
2. Private Room
Originally intended for visiting noblemen and rich merchants, this room has served as a council chamber for the village leaders since 571 CY, courtesy of village Elder Kenter Sr. With the recent completion of the new town hall next door, this arrangement ended last month. The room features a large woven rug, armchairs, divans, and a warm fireplace. Tapestries and paintings adorn the walls. Innkeeper Gundigoot is considering turning this room into a gambling den, a plan he keeps secret to avoid opposition from the puritanical Cuthbertines.
3. Private Room
Reserved for patrons seeking privacy, this room is located in a dark and inconspicuous corner of the inn. It has a secret door, a press-and-slide upwards panel, that leads to a narrow iron ladder and a secret room in the cellar. This room was used during the troubles with the Temple of Elemental Evil but is now disused. Most villagers, including the sheriff, are unaware of its existence.
4. Bar
The bar is the usual station of the proprietor, Ostler Gundigoot usual station. He sees to the filling of jacks of ale, tankards of beer, and flagons of wine. Boiled eggs, cheeses, and hard biscuits or crackers are often atop the trestle. Serving girls Bony and Sylvani carry food to the common room. The bar holds great barrels of ale and beer, tuns of wine, and a cask of brandy with spigots ready for use. There are great barrels of ale and beer, tuns of wine, and a cask of brandy with spigots ready at the host's hand.
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A box under the bar contains 4 pp, 27 gp, 33 sp, and 161 cp in separate compartments, which is taken upstairs each night. Gundigoot also keeps about 40 gp equivalent in his apron pockets.
5. Kitchen
The kitchen is bustling with activity, overseen by Goodwife Gundigoot. A huge fireplace typically has various pots and kettles, a roast turning, and several fowl kept warm in its side places. Four scullions work under her supervision. Steps at the west end lead down to the cellar and up to the private apartment of the owner.
6. Stables
This large stable houses and feeds the mounts of the inn’s guests and customers. Sigen, the stable-boy, sleeps on a pallet in the rear of the building. Gundigoot has renovated part of the stable to accommodate "unusual" occupants.


1. Private Room
This chamber is rented by Zert, a fighter of unknown blood who claims to be from “far to the north.” He is ostensibly waiting for the return of a caravan from the south, but he has ulterior motives. Zert can drink great quantities without becoming drunk, having advantage on saves to avoid the effects of alcohol.  
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Zert possesses a +1 greatsword and hand axe, and carries 20 gp in his purse. Hidden in a locked coffer under some of his clothing are 265 gp, 100 pp, and 10 pearls, each black but flawed (worth 100 gp each, but seeming 5 to 10 times that value to the unskilled or casual observer). Saddlebags on a small table hold other garments, and a small leather pouch in plain view contains 4 gp, 12 sp, and 37 cp. His large horse and lance are in the stable. Zert is willing to join adventurers for an equal share of treasure, though he may betray them, help to slay them, and take their goods at the DM’s discretion. Zert arrived in Hommlet only 2 days ago and knows none of the village residents.
2. Private Suite
The noble or wealthy rent this suite for 5 gp per night, breakfast included. The outer room is a sitting room with a table and chairs. The inner room has a huge feather bed, chairs, and a closet.
3. Private Room
This modest room has a fine bed, quilted covers, a wash stand, chamber pot, clean towels and linens, pegs for garments, and a chair with a footrest. It costs 1 gp per night to rent (breakfast not included).
4. Private Room
This larger room has a fine curtained bed, quilted covers, a wash stand, chamber pot, clean towels and linens, pegs for garments, a good rug, an armchair, a footstool, and wall hangings. It costs 2 gp per night to rent (breakfast not included).
5. Private Room
This place is currently the lodgings of Spugnois, a spellcaster. He arrived in the village with a merchant wagon and is staying in hopes of finding arcane treasures in the ruins of the moathouse.  
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Spugnoir wears a dagger, and a large trunk holds his magical paraphernalia, clothing, and dungeon exploration materials. He plans to quietly search the nearby ruined moathouse, having heard that a warlock was holed up there. His non-descript dress is intended to avoid attention. Spugnoir is chaotic neutral. His funds amount to 19 gp and 7 sp in his wallet, and 3x 50 gp gems secreted in the hem of his cloak. If approached and offered all scrolls found, he will join a party. Otherwise, he will attempt to shadow the group to gain what he can.
6. Private Room
This modest room has a fine bed, quilted covers, a wash stand, chamber pot, clean towels and linens, pegs for garments, and a small table and chairs. It costs 1 gp per night to rent (breakfast not included).
7. Private Room
This modest room has a fine bed, quilted covers, a wash stand, chamber pot, clean towels and linens, pegs for garments, and a chair with a footrest. It costs 1 gp per night to rent (breakfast not included).
8. Private Room
The comfortable room is the quarters of Furnok of Ferd, a rogue originally from the City of Greyhawk. He loves to gamble and has loaded knucklebones and knows how to nick cards.
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Furnok has leather armor, a ring of invisibility, a greater potion of healing, and a +1 short sword. His funds include 17 gems worth 20 gp each, and 25 gp and 25 sp for gambling. He carefully avoids being caught cheating, making a modest living by skinning passing merchants. If offered a chance to adventure, Furnok will join for an equal share plus whatever he can surreptitiously lift, particularly magic items. To show good faith, he will offer his potion, hoping to gain far more. He also has a +1 dagger hidden in his boot.
9. Private Room
This place houses a strange pair: a hulking fighter named Kobort and his associate, a small and thin monk named Turuko, a Baklunish Bakluni adherent of Zuoken from Zeif. Kobort was passing through and fell in with the monk, who convinced him that they could become wealthy and famous.  
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The fighter is neutral (for he isn’t bright enough to hold strong views on much), while Turuko is lawful evil. The monk believes himself to be highly clever and plans to waylay and rob adventurers returning from successful expeditions to the moathouse or the Temple. They will accompany a small party, hang back in fights, and then slay the expedition when it is weak. Otherwise, they will spy on a large group and attack only if it is reduced by death and wounds. They currently have only 12 gp, 5 sp, and 40 cp between them, and Turuko is anxious to rectify this.
10. Dormitory Sleeping Room
Here, lesser travelers can spend a warm and safe night for a mere 1 sp. There are a dozen or so pallets, and in the morning, the table in the center is loaded with hot tea and fresh loaves at no extra cost. Even these folks receive warm water and clean towels for morning ablutions, such is the quality of the Welcome Wench Inn. There are always 2d6 (or more!) sleeping here.
11. Spare Room
If the inn is exceptionally crowded, this place could be rented, but it normally quarters the bus-boys and scullions. Ostler Gundigoot is a kind master, and on cold nights he will have a fire in the room.
12. Serving Wenches Room
Two wenches currently share this chamber, although there are cots for four. When the season arrives, one or two more will be hired on.
13. Gundigoot’s Children’s Room
The two young daughters, Beora and Ehla, are quartered here under the watchful eye of Goodwife Gundigoot.
14. Gundigoot’s Chamber
In addition to a bed, dresser, and armoire, Ostler Gundigoot and his wife have a small side room where their accounts and effects are kept.  
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A small secret compartment in the north wall holds a locked iron box containing 6 pieces of jewelry (1,000 x 2, 750 gp, 300 gp, 100 gp, and 75 gp), a sack of 100 pp, and a sack of 400 gp. A ladder leads to the loft over the small portion of the place, and a concealed door from there leads to the attic of the inn proper. If there is anyone of highly suspicious nature, Gundigoot will get the Druid of the Grove and spy upon the room concerned by means of small sliding ceiling panels.
15. Parlour
This is the living and dining area for the family of Ostler Gundigoot. It has heavy furniture, polished brass pieces (candlesticks, et al.), tapestries, and other items that show comfortable affluence.


1. Storage Area
This section of the cellar contains sacks of various items for the kitchens, boxes, and barrels of flour. Herbs and other goods are hung from the beams overhead. The area is kept warm and dry due to the activity in the summer kitchen.
2. Summer Kitchen
Used for cooking during very hot weather or additional cooking in winter, this area is warmer and drier than the rest of the cellar. Scullions and menials sometimes sleep here. Various foodstuffs are stored in cupboards, along with extra plates and platters.
3. Locked Storage
This room is kept cool by a well and heavy stone walls. Perishable items like cheeses, butter, and meats are stored here, along with smaller barrels of ale, beer, mead, and table wine.
4. Locked Storage
This room serves as the wine cellar, storing the rarest wines and brandies in butts and tuns along the walls. Shelving in the center holds smaller casks and pottery jars of the same.
5. Main Cellar
Various old furniture and unused items are stored here, along with empty crates, hogsheads, barrels, rusty tools, and an old wheelbarrow. A large supply of cordwood is stacked near the entry to ensure plenty of dry fuel for the many fireplaces in the inn.
6. Huge Casks
In addition to a number of empty kegs, barrels, hogsheads, pipes, butts, and tuns, there are three great casks here.  
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Two casks have some dregs of wine in them, but the third is empty. A portion of its side swings up to allow entry into the interior. A hidden catch allows the far end to swing inward, where another secret door in the wall can be pushed inwards if triggered by inserting a dagger blade into the proper crack in the fieldstone wall.
7. Ash Pit
Sweepings from the fireplace above are dumped here via a chute. The ashes are gathered periodically for use in soap making or as fertilizer. Ashes from other fireplaces in the inn are also stored here, as there is a grinder and separator mechanism, ensuring no fire hazard since the place is entirely made of stone or iron.  
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Burne keeps a bound Ash Mephit named Cauf here, with Gundigoot’s permission. Cauf is tasked with flying to Burne’s tower in case of an emergency at the inn. Bored with the lack of emergencies after 18 months of service, Cauf spends his time stalking and killing mice and rats around the cellar.
8. Disused Secret Room
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This room once served as the meeting room and headquarters for those opposed to the Temple when evil held sway in the territory. It contains many bunks built along the walls, several tables, benches, stools, and carefully stored arms greased against rust. Weapons stored here include 12 arming swords, 8 short swords, 4 falchions, 12 daggers, 3 maces, 7 battleaxes, 3 hand axes, 20 javelins, 8 spears, 130 crossbow bolts, 7 crossbows, 1 bardiche, 3 guisarmes, 2 fauchards, 4 voulges, a footman’s flail, and 2 morningstars. Food, clothing, and bedding can easily be moved to this place from the inn. The room also holds 10 bucklers, 17 shields, 12 helmets, and 12 leather jacks in a great wooden chest. The ceiling is very low compared to the overhead space elsewhere in the cellar due to a false basement crawl space flagged with stones and a layer of earth, making this room nearly soundproof.
Inn of the Welcome Wench by 3orcs
Welcome Wench Main level by Scott Purdy Copyright RVN Creative Studios 2024
Welcome Wench Top level by Scott Purdy Copyright RVN Creative Studios 2024
Welcome Wench basement by Scott Purdy Copyright RVN Creative Studios 2024

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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