Ytor Pense Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Ytor Pense

Sir (a.k.a. Hedge Knight)

Ytor Pense is a hedge knight, a landless knight and mercenary seeking opportunities to prove his worth and secure his future. Hired to find a dangerous half-orc named Gryqo the Hack, Ytor's presence in Cienega Valley adds a layer of intrigue and tension to the already complex political landscape.


Ytor Pense comes from a noble family, but as a younger son, he did not inherit land or titles. Instead, he took the oath of knighthood and became a hedge knight, a landless knight seeking employment as a mercenary. His current mission to find Gryqo the Hack has brought him to Cienega Valley, where he interrogates travelers and seeks information about the fugitive.
  • Noble Family: Younger son without inheritance
  • Hedge Knight: Landless knight seeking mercenary work
  • Current Mission: Hired by Mayor Marakios Willem Haxx to find Gryqo the Hack

Political Relationships

Mayor Marcus Greensward 
Ytor respects Mayor Marcus Greensward for his leadership and dedication to Cienega Valley. He seeks the mayor's support and cooperation in his mission, understanding the importance of local authority in achieving his goals.
  • Respectful: Values the mayor's leadership
  • Seeks Support: Looks for cooperation in his mission
House Asbury 
Ytor hopes to gain favor with House Asbury, recognizing their influence and power in the region. He aims to demonstrate his skills and reliability, hoping to secure a position within their ranks or at least earn their goodwill.
  • Seeking Favor: Aims to gain House Asbury's support
  • Demonstrate Skills: Prove his worth to the influential house
House Milinous 
Ytor navigates a cautious relationship with House Milinous, aware of their ambitions and potential for conflict with House Asbury. He remains neutral, focusing on his mission and avoiding entanglement in the political rivalries of the region.
  • Cautious Relationship: Navigates carefully to avoid conflict
  • Neutral Stance: Focuses on his mission without taking sides


  • Canon Austol Pengelly (Church of St. Cuthbert): Respectful of his authority, seeks guidance.
  • High Priest Yvan Cross  (Shining Temple of Pelor): Values his wisdom and cooperation.
  •  Tanithil Mornala  (Hearth of Obad-Hai): Maintains a respectful distance, recognizing his influence.
Community Relationships
Ytor interacts with the community as a dedicated knight on a mission. He interrogates travelers and villagers, always seeking information about Gryqo the Hack. While his presence can be intimidating, his dedication to justice earns him a measure of respect.
  • Interrogations: Seeks information about Gryqo the Hack
  • Dedicated to Justice: Earns respect through his commitment
Regional Impact
Ytor's mission and presence in Cienega Valley have implications for the broader political landscape. His actions and success in capturing Gryqo the Hack can influence his standing with various political factions and his future prospects as a knight.
  • Influence and Power: Success can elevate his status
  • Broader Implications: Actions impact political dynamics


Ytor Pense stands as a dedicated hedge knight, navigating the complexities of Cienega Valley and the broader Viscounty of Verbobonc. His mission to capture Gryqo the Hack drives him, while his interactions with key political figures and local authorities shape his journey. Through his determination, diplomacy, and unwavering commitment to justice, Ytor Pense continues to carve out his place in the world, seeking opportunities to prove his worth and secure his future.
"The road of a hedge knight is hard, but it forges the strongest steel."
Sir Ytor Pense
  • 3rd level Knight (hedge knight)
Physical Appearance
Ytor Pense is a formidable figure, clad in dented plate armor that has seen many battles. He rides a barded warhorse, a symbol of his knighthood, and carries a shield bearing a black and blue chequy with a large yellow star in the upper left quarter. His stern expression and serious demeanor reflect his commitment to his duties and his determination to succeed.
  • Armor: Dented plate armor
  • Mount: Barded warhorse
  • Shield: Black and blue chequy with a large yellow star
  • Expression: Stern and serious
Ytor Pense is a serious and determined man, driven by a desire to prove his worth and secure a stable future. As a younger son of nobility, he has become a landless knight, a status that compels him to seek employment as a mercenary. Ytor's dedication to his tasks and his willingness to take on difficult challenges make him a formidable and respected figure.
  • Serious: Focused and determined
  • Dedicated: Committed to his duties
  • Driven: Motivated by the desire to prove himself
Ytor's primary motivation is to find Gryqo the Hack, a half-orc former soldier and murderer. Hired by Mayor Haxx of Verbobonc, Ytor is determined to capture Gryqo and bring him to justice. Beyond this task, Ytor seeks opportunities to secure his future as a knight, hoping to find a lord who will take him into service and provide him with stability and purpose.
  • Capture Gryqo the Hack: Main objective
  • Secure Future: Seek opportunities for stable employment
  • Prove Worth: Demonstrate his skills and dedication
Lawful neutral
Current Status
On a mission to capture Gryqo
Current Location
Year of Birth
542 34 Years old
Expression: Stern and serious, dented worn armor
dark hazel
short military crop and trimmed greying beard
Quotes & Catchphrases
"A knight's duty is never done; there is always another challenge to face."
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Sir Ytor Pense by 3orcs


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