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General Summary

After taking a long rest to recover from their battles, the Party headed deeper into Midnight Mountain to investigate where the fleeing kobold went. They found a long corridor heading down that opened into a series of caves. They dispatched several kobolds before encountering a wyrmpriest and dragonshield defending what appeared to be a large, red egg. Despite a bit of a dragon breath surprise, the Party vanquished their foes. Now, what to do with the egg?   After realizing that the ladder to the surface ended just below a guard tower, our heroes procured a cart and the newest Party member: Greg the Mule. Using Barty's magic, Axelrod's strength, and Hobart's distraction, they moved a shrunken egg to the cart and covered it in canvas before it burst back to its normal size in front of the guards' eyes. Out of generosity—or maybe just curiosity—they took the egg to the Magic University of Mystryl for safekeeping and study. But why was there a dragon egg under the mountain in the first place?   In the meantime, our heroes dispersed once again to attend to personal business. Now that his mission was complete, Hobart reached back out to the Guild for the promised information. He finally learned that Lola had indeed enrolled at the University. However, for reasons they couldn't determine, she dropped out of the program. The Guild was unsure about her current activities but assured Hobart she was still in Mystryl.   Elsewhere, Barty learned that his brother Alec wanted to meet with him for breakfast. The brothers finally reunited after several years apart, with Alec greeting Barty as "the famous goblin that saved the library." Alec complimented him on his successes so far and relayed their parents' best wishes. He also relayed a gift to Barty: the Codswallop Family Rod, an arcane focus that was wielded last by their grandfather and had been passed down through generations. They felt that Barty, the first true wizard to emerge in his immediate family, was ready.   Last, Axelrod was finally going to meet Arth Evencrusher. After first confirming he was the real captain, Axelrod handed over the documents General Tribane had entrusted to him. Captain Evencrusher began reviewing them immediately and seemed both interested in and concerned about their contents. Unfortunately, red liquid began dripping on the parchment, and Axelrood saw the captain bleeding from his nose just before he fell unconscious. The Party then saw a strange tavern server acting nervously before bolting through the front door. The chase was on!   The Party pursued the stranger westward through the market square. Despite a pack of dogs, a galloping horse, and two stained glass windows of varying strengths and thicknesses, Hobart tracked their prey and determined he was in one of two houses. Boldly deciding on one, he charged through the door and began his search. Unfortunately, he couldn't find any obvious signs in any of the rooms. He tasked the others with investigating the house across the street, which surprised some fine folks sitting down to dinner. Once the Party converged on the same house, Barty noticed something off about the large area rug on the first floor, and they soon found a trap door underneath it.   They descended into the secret cellar. Below ground once again, they found racks of weapons and a table with planning documents. They quickly subdued the poisoner, and Hobart noticed that day's date on one of the papers. After a quick review, they deduced a Zorethian attack was planned for that night. Emmalyn returned to the Leaky Barrel to treat Captain Evencrusher, and the others hurried up the mountain to help defend Brighthall Castle.   Once the Party arrived, they found one of the gates thrown open and heard the sounds of battle from inside. They charged in and fought off two squads of attackers. Many Holy Guard soldiers lay dead, and those who didn't were shaken. How could anyone sneak into Brighthall so easily? Find out next time...
Report Date
19 Sep 2020
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