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"Is Elbenkior not proof that perhaps peace is not possible between the species of Archtun? That perhaps isolation is not required to stave off the fiery flames of war? If it is not, than I do not believe anything is."
Elbenkior is a large city that resides on the Eastern border of Roscrea, and the Western Border of Evermist. It resides within the Drugaden Pass, in between the Kenbarna Mountains. It stands as a cultural melting pot between the humans and the elves of both bordering lands, as well as an important trading hub and military outpost for both sides. It is a separated by a great wall within the middle of the city that is supposed to represent the official border marker of both kingdoms, although the citizens of the city may freely move between the wall to either side of the city.


Residing as almost a direct split of elves and humans, although the humans have a slight advantage of population than the elves, Elbenkior has roughly around 59.5% human, 39.5% elven, and 1% of other species for its population.


Being split between the humans and elves, which have vastly different governmental structures, Elbenkior has a complex and difficult to understand hybrid of the two governmental structures of the empires. The city is separated within four different districts, that being residential, trading, military, and the upper district. The districts are split between the humans and elves, with two rulers of the districts always remaining human, and two district leaders always being elven, with the respective species governmental structure being present within that district.


Being situated within the Kenbarna vallery, natural protection is offered to the city. The thick and trapped filled walls that contain the sprawling city offer the best protection, with their walls being almost impenetrable. A thousand strong Guardsmen stay stationed there, elves and men stay ready to guard and defend their home.


Elbenkior is separated into four different districts, in which each ruler of said districts are in charge of providing the resource of service it is set to provide. The four districts of Elbenkior are: Residential, Fortification, Trade, and Ruling. Together, in relative harmony, these districts keep the city running, as it is officially not owned by any other outside government.  

The Residential District

Perhaps the most simple of the districts, the Residential District offers home and settling space for residents of Elbenkior. Although Elbenkior is riddled with class division, with places such as the lower slums being placed right below the richer upper places of the residential district. This district features a wide and diverse population, mostly consisting of Men and Elves.  

The Trading District

Featured at the center of the city, the largest and best known feature of this district is the famous "Sky Market", which is a market place situated at the top of a large hill that pierces the top of the skyline, and even above the very clouds of the sky. This district also borders the lake that traverses through the city. Here, trading is moved towards the water, and sold elsewhere within the Kenbarna mountains.  

The Fortification District

A smaller district, mainly created to protect the assets and the city itself and those in it, the fortification district rules from a small hill that is towards the south of sky market, connected by a bridge. There, soldiers are stationed from both elvish and human backgrounds. They guard the great outer and inner walls, keeping an ever weary eye out for attackers, but perhaps the greater threat is keeping unity within the walls, between the two great peoples.   

The Ruling District

The smallest of all districts, The Ruling District is set upon its hill, overlooking the entire city and the valley within it, only to be dwarfed by the great Sky Market. There, the ruler of the city rules over all the other districts. Much fighting has been done to see who will rule over the Ruling district, and furthermore, the entire city itself.


Being on the strategic position of the Kenbarna valley, as well as the Kenbarna Mountains, Elbenkior has a great advantage of assets, as well as natural protection as well. Being built upon ancient Kenari ruins, explorers often delve deep into the city to find valuable treasure as well. With different cultures of the elves and men mixing together as one, there are varying gifts and valuables coming and trading from both sides.


A meeting place between two great, and perhaps most powerful species within all of Archtun, Elbenkior was founded as a city to help each species grow in mutual trust with one another. Founded late within the third era, Elbenkior was settled by ambitious and radical parts of both species, and by intermarried species as well making up a large early population of the settlement.


Being both that of human and elven population, the architecture of the city is both a mix of elven and human, with the west side of the great wall having more human elements within its buildings, and the east side being vise versa. Although, the closer one gets to the great wall, the architecture of the two species begins to mix, creating hybrids of the building styles together.


Located in a mountain pass, the city of Elbenkior is a hill filled place, with massive plateaus separating large chunks of the city. A lake sits within the middle of the city as well, separating a large chunk of the land as well. But perhaps most impressive, is a large hill that pierces the sky, known as Sky Market. It is connected to a smaller, yet also tall hill that holds a fort in a strategic defending position for the city.
Founding Date
6990 1E
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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