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City of Verfulheim

The Jewel State



General Store:





  • The Unicorn's Bijoux

    • Jeweler: Drogo Sylvaranth, male half-elf
    • Jewelry Gems
      Mundane Ring 3 sp Common Gems 10 gp
      Exquisite Ring 3 gp Uncommon Gems 50 gp
      Mundane Earrings 4 sp Exceptional Gems 100 gp
      Exquisite Earrings 4 gp Rare Gems 500 gp
      Mundane Necklace 5 sp Very Rare Gems 1,000 gp
      Exquisite Necklace 5 gp Legendary Gems 5,000 gp


  • Prismatic Libation

    • Alchemist: Anghus O'Malley, male firbolg
    • Healing Potions
      Potion of Healing 50 gp
      Potion of Greater Healing 200 gp
      Potion of Superior Healing 2,000 gp
      Potion of Supreme Healing 20,000 gp
      Expanded Alchemy Items






  • Rowboat (50 gp)
  • The Spiraea sailing ship: captain Zehles Dalesnath, male triton (1 sp/mile)
  • The Sultana longship: captain Chexoutl, male lizardfolk (5 sp/mile)
  • The Conquerant galley: captain Domash Tildrinthargish, male dragonborn (1 gp/mile)
  • The Sea, Underwater Environments, and Waterborne Vehicles

Foreign Merchants:

  • Heruj Mapuula, male loxodon
  • Nofraehilda Drakeguard, female dwarf
    • Refreshments Refreshments
      Empty Flask or Tankard 2 cp Coffee 1 sp/cup
      Full Waterskin 2 sp Whiskey 3 sp/flask
      Fruit Juice 3 cp/cup Vodka 4 sp/flask
      Green Tea 5 cp/cup Gnomish Coffee 15 gp/cup
      Black Tea 6 cp/cup Dragonborn Tea 20 gp/cup
      Cider 8 sp/cup Dwarven Moonshine 200 gp/flask
      Milk 1 sp/cup Elven Wine 200 gp/bottle
      Hot Chocolate 1 sp/cup Expanded Edible Items
  • Xaltor Ironhide, male gnome
    • Flowers and Seeds Flowers and Seeds
      Bouquet of Common Flowers 1 cp Tree Seeds 5 cp
      Crop Seeds 1 cp Bouquet of Whistleweed 1 sp
      Wildflower Seeds 4 cp Bouquet of Glowblossom 1 sp
      Bouquet of Fine Flowers 4 cp Bouquet of Phoenixblossom 1 gp
      Fine Flower Seeds 4 cp Sprig of Mistletoe 1 gp
      Fruit Tree Seeds 3 cp Bouquet of Dragon Lily 5 gp
  • Peryton Vlasdogrox, male halfling
    • Clothing and Outfits
      Clothes, common 5 sp 3 lb.
      Clothes, costume 5 gp 4 lb.
      Clothes, fine 15 gp 6 lb.
      Clothes, traveler's 2 gp 4 lb.
      Expanded Clothing and Outfits
  • Aeralasa Eiltris, female elf
    • Magic Items for Sale
      Bag of Holding 400 gp
      Goggles of Night 400 gp
      Sending Stones 400 gp
      Minor Common Magic Items 100 gp


  • The Salty Cucumber

    • Bartender: Altho Copperkettle, male kenku
    • Observant Vagabond: Kepesk, male lizardfolk
    • Functionally Alcoholic Sage: Uthemar Liadon, male elf
    • Retired Merchant: Manneo Whalehunter Kunamatata, male goliath
    • Bard Entertainer: Dabbledob Nucklestamp, male gnome
    • Food & Drink
      Mug of Dwarven Ale 4 gp
      Glass of Elven Wine 13 gp
      Feast per person 10 gp




  • Wet Trader Inn (7 cp/night)
  • The Greedy Rascal (1 sp/night)
  • The Misty Piano (5 sp/night)
  • The Grey Puppy (8 sp/night)
  • The Skilled Jaguar (2 gp/night)
  • The Flying Magpie Inn (4 gp/night)


  • The Bloody Bugbear

    • Bartender: Rieta Temerity, female tiefling
    • Observant Vagabond: Phann Xistsrith, male elf
    • Untrained Hireling: Hadwisa Preston, female dragonborn
    • Retired Mercenary: Drenna Nibley, female half-orc
    • Drunken Rake: Gilbert Rodney, male human
    • Food & Drink
      Mug of Ale (1 pint) 4 cp
      Gallon of Ale (aka buy 5 pints get 3 free) 2 sp
      Bread (⅛ lb.) 2 cp
      Cheese (¼ lb.) 1 sp
      Smoked Beef (½ lb.) 3 sp
  • The Sunken Eagle

    • Bartender: Phrixus Xenakis, male aasimar
    • Observant Vagabond: Lakelet, female water genasi
    • Skilled Hireling: Elden Reese, male gnome
    • Shady Dealer: Duurth Kodelai, male githzerai (thieves' cant for black market)
    • City Council Member: Sven Doluses, male half-elf
    • Food & Drink
      Pitcher of Common Wine or Shot of Liquor 2 sp
      Bottle of Fine Wine (8 glasses) or Aged Liquor (8 shots) 10 gp
      Turnip Soup with Crowberry Tart and a Glass of Wine (1 lb.) 4 sp
      Phoenix Cake with Roasted Apple and a Glass of Wine (1 lb.) 5 sp
      Bison Stew with Roasted Apple and a Tankard of Hard Cider (1 lb.) 5 sp





Military Base

  • Barracks
  • Training Grounds

Ministry of Magic

  • Research Laboratories
  • Library
    • Free service once per day, roll an intelligence-based skill check to learn one piece of information on a common subject.
  • Book Store
    Book on common subject (advantage on next intelligence-based skill check) 10 gp
    Book on uncommon subject (advantage on next research downtime activity) 20 gp
    Book on rare subject (lore and select pieces of a monster's statblock) 50 gp
    Commune spellcasting 275 gp
    Legend Lore spellcasting 750 gp


  • Beory, goddess of nature
  • Boccob, god of magic
  • Celestian, god of stars and wanderers
  • Ehlonna, goddess of woodlands
  • Fharlanghn, god of horizons and travel
  • Heironeous, god of chivalry and valor
  • Istus, goddess of fate and destiny
  • Kord, god of athletics and sport
  • Nerull, god of death
    • Spellcasting Services
      Speak with Dead 99 gp
      Revivify 690 gp
      Raise Dead 1,250 gp
  • Obad-Hai, god of nature
    • Spellcasting Services
      Speak with Animals 11 gp
      Animal Messenger 44/99/176/275 gp
      Skywrite 44 gp
      Speak with Plants 99 gp
  • Olidammara, god of revelry
  • Pelor, god of sun and healing
    • Spellcasting Services
      Cure Wounds 11/44/99/176/275 gp
      Lesser Restoration 44 gp
      Remove Curse 99 gp
      Greater Restoration 450 gp
  • Pholtus, god of light and law
  • Rao, god of peace and reason
  • St. Cuthbert, god of common sense and zeal
  • Trithereon, god of liberty and retribution
  • Ulaa, goddess of hills and mountains

Between Adventures


An aristocratic oligarchy known as The Regal Council governs the city-state. Their members include the Lord Mayor, the Master of Coin, the Master of Ships, the Master of War, the Minister of Magic, and the Commander of the City Watch.   An elected body of citizens known as The City Council also wields power and represents the various guild masters, religious leaders, and middle class.   A couple towns and numerous villages within 24 miles have sworn fealty to the city-state.


The city supports an army of professional soldiers, guards, and town watch. Each noble in residence maintains a small force of personal bodyguards.

Industry & Trade

Almost any goods or services are readily available. Many inns and taverns support travelers.


The Name Placeholder, a hunting lodge owned by the human ranger, Lukas Greenmane.


The Field of Titanic Ruins is a large expanse of rolling hills and flat plains that used to be home to a great nation of Titans from a bygone age. Now all that remains of their larger-than-life civilization are the crumbling ruins of their ancient cities, castles, and temples that litter the landscape. Most have been completely pillaged by tomb raiders of their riches over the millennia but the indigenous wisdom keepers in the area say that the most valuable cultural items and most powerful magic items have yet to be discovered.   The eldest of the indigenous wisdom keepers proclaim that the settlement of Verfulheim was originally founded over 100,000 years ago as a refuge for humanoids to flee the cruel enslavement of the ancient Titans. They arrived by sea and settled in this nigh uninhabitable land where no Titan would bother treading the difficult terrain of the bleak and rocky landscape. Over the millennia mother nature ran her course by flooding some of the landscape with coursing rivers, creating fields of grassland and gentle hills which their ancestors cultivated into arable farmland.   Since the Age of Humanoids the settlement of Verfulheim has grown into a City-State, controlling most of the land and sea within 24 miles of their home and forcing fealty upon the neighboring towns and villages. Trade routes were established by land and sea to import finer materials and services. The city earned its moniker The Jewel State by being the only city in the inhabitable area and thus the only location with access to every kind of merchant available. All roads lead to Verfulheim.   Most magic in the world was reverse engineered by people studying the ancient megalithic ruins of the past. Most people understand the world used to be ruled by ancient giants, titans, and cyclops who were much taller and more powerful than their current counter parts. People know magic exists but most peasants will not witness it in their lifetime. Adventurers and archaeologists are highly valued as the ever expanding field of magic requires more discovery and research.


The terrain is rocky, desolate, black sand, black peat lakes, lots of bridges crossing rivers, sparse arable farmland around the river beds, deep mine shafts in the rock fields, docks bustling with busy fisherman, lumber is constantly being imported via land and sea. Wind constantly howling. Smell of salt in the air.

Natural Resources

Sparse forests, bushes, mushrooms, berries, iron ore and other metals.   Elk, foxes, hares, and bears.   29 different species of butterfly.   Owls, ducks, seagulls, and plovers.   Beluga whales.
Location under
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