Session 6: Storm on the Horizon Report

General Summary

Day 7   The night started with a game of Heave. Artemis Sindarin, Martin d'Jorasco, L3-37 Redgrave, Nyx , Giffer Tibbs, and Conchobhar Shortstone all joining as participants. Ultimately, after 5 rounds, Martin was declared the victor. Vivienne did a dagger juggling act, which went over well with the crew. Moe Boom tried to sneak into the quartermasters store and learned that some of the chests are trapped! He almost died when he was shot by a poison dart. Luckily, fate stepped in, and he was able to cheat death. Most of you passed out from drinking, the rest went to bed, not knowing what was in store for the next day.   Day 8 - Stormy   Today was a trial which really pushed you to see how much you had learned on your trip so far. Master Scourge and Mr. Plugg assigned all of you to Rigging duty to keep the boat afloat during the inclement weather. Vivienne and L3 were stuck in the crow's nest. While the rest of you performed various activities dealing with the sails and ropes. Near the end of the day shift, a call went out claiming Owlbear Hartshorn had gone overboard. Apparently he never learned how to swim, because he was struggling to stay above water. All of you quickly sprung into action to aid Owlbear with Nyx being the first to dive into the water. L3 and Artemis noticed as Nyx entered the water a strange pulse emanated from her. You are unsure what that means, but it seemed ominous. While in the water, Nyx kept hearing the words "come home Nyx". Eventually you managed to rescue Owlbear, but while seeing to that the ship and L3 were struck by lightning. No one really cared about the damage to the ship but Vivienne and Artemis were racing to try and make sure L3 was alright. Eventually Artemis made it to the Crow's Nest just in time to see L3 coughing, heavily scarred with Shock-waves.   When L3 and Artemis eventually made it to the main deck, Vivienne tried to escort L3 to Habbly Quarne, The "Stitchman" for medical attention. Master Scourge was not happy about that and assigned 3 lashes to Vivienne for insubordination. Shortly after that, the Night bell was rung. Mr. Plugg then informed you it was time to assign your night duties as everyone needed to keep the ship afloat through the evening. You were all given new duties, some to repair the damage caused by the lightning earlier in the day. You all chose to work diligently through the night and eventually made it to the next day.   Day 9 - Re-Re-Re-Remix   The storm eventually broke and you saw daylight again. The rain was still present, but at least the ship was not in immediate danger of flipping over and sinking. Your first big surprise of the day was when Master Scourge told you that it was time for your day shift duties. You had just worked for over 24 hours, and now the officers expected you to keep working? WTFOMG?! You complained, and started to talk about how shitty conditions were aboard. Some of your allies nodded in agreement, but you realized that you are still severely outnumbered and out gunned. Barnabus Harrigan was not having any more escalated talk of mutiny and ordered Mr. Plugg to put you all in the bilges for the day. They did not shackle you while down there, and instead just tossed you in. When Jaundiced Jape tried to push in Moe, Moe bit him. This prompted Mr. Plugg to run his sword through Moe's stomach, knocking him unconscious, again. The rest of you did not provoke and went into the bilges for the day. It was saturated with water, making it impossible to get any sleep, so you all talked about possible schemes to deal with the officers. Poison, locking them in their rooms, turning the crew against them... You haven't come up with any winners, but you definitely know one thing; you need to make more friends...

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