Session 8: More of the Same Report

General Summary

This session you are still aboard the Wormwood. Days 12-14, more of the same. It was hot, as predicted by Magnum Opus's hot farts. We start with Bloody Hour where Master Scourge gives Nyx  6 lashings, she passes out after 3. The evening's festivities involve a game of Heave, in which Crimson "Cog" Cogsward is crowned victor. Vivienne goes to talk with Cut-Throat Grok to learn more about Barnabus Harrigan in which it is revealed that he has a long history on the sea. You also learned that perhaps Grok and Ambrose "Fishguts" Kroop have some sort of things going on perhaps. Owlbear Hartshorn also apparently has a magical daisy whose petals always grow back after they are picked...   The next day, work duties are shifted a bit. Seems Kroop is unhappy with their non-talkative ex-assistant Martin d'Jorasco. Moe Boom was initially assigned the duty, but it was pointed out by Vivienne that perhaps it is not good to give him constant access to fire. So, the task was delegated to her instead. Nyx now has a part of the ship named after her, and it seems it is her permanent duty station while onboard. L3-37 Redgrave and Moe went shopping and Wilson was re-united with Moe. During the evening bloody hour, Mr. Plugg decided that the lashes that Nyx was receiving as punishment, did not seem to be doing the trick. So in lieu of lashes, she would endure punishment in the sweatbox instead, starting the next day. Nyx tried to argue this, but it was pointed out that she did her job so poorly already that it would not truly make a difference.   During the evening, Vivienne concocted a drinking game which involved rolling dice and asking questions. You all participated, and grew a little.   The next day, when you were summoned on deck, you were informed that today you would be learning how to board (boarding school). All of you except Nyx, who had a previous engagement with the aforementioned sweatbox. Riaris Krine was to be your teacher, and she took you out onto a dingy a small distance from the Wormwood. You were instructed to grapple and climb to the Wormwood while other pirates threw objects at you to simulate a combat situation. All of you managed to cross the ropes, and Moe managed to even toss Jaundiced Jape into the water. Through some sheer happenstance, JJ was eaten by a shark when attempting to pull themselves out of the water to climb back. Not many people were shaken by this loss.   RIP Jaundiced Jape, 1857-1900. You may have been a dick, but your dick was definitely infested with crabs.   The evening went by relatively smoothly with some folk choosing to turn in early. Magnum decided to make friends with a shark. Nyx talked with Peppery Longfarthing to try and get some mentorship. and Moe spotted a ship!

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