Personal Log by Sorra | World Anvil

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Sat 17th Sep 2022 08:33

Personal Log

by Sorra Tefin

I appear to have befriended Junior Lieutenant Ailyn, who desires to be referred to as Eve. As such Eve and I have been assigned to welcome and chauffeur the new recruits around the USS Electra. Upon reviewing all of their files, Eve and I discovered the birthday of one of the new Ensigns is the day of orientation. Eve has assured me that it is a significant finding and as such explained that human culture places high significance on their days of birth. I have been given the additional task by Eve to decorate the welcome center for said ensign with "birthday decorations" the night before after I am off duty. Upon further inquiry about the decorations, Eve suggested I was to consume alcohol until "I found the bathroom hard to find" and from that I would know what to do. It seemed completely illogical, so I simply had the holodeck computer simulate human birthday decorations and copied them whilst decorating the room. A noted detail across the various simulations I studied suggested humans preferred in perfect decorations whilst in a friendly environment. As such I consumed alcohol during my replication of the decorations. Now sober, I do agree the alcohol seems to have given my hand writing and decorations an authentic imperfect appearance. Including various decorations which appear to have been made based around pure word association.