Session 57: The Devil You Know Report

General Summary

In the aftermath of the Xanathar's Guild attack on Sea Maiden's Faire, Jarlaxle Baenre, posing as Rongquan Mystere, the owner of the Seven Masks Theater, assures the crowd that Waterdeep City Watch is on their way and to remain calm. He leads the party to one of the ships docked next to the faire, the Hellraiser. As they board they see a sign indicating this is the last week Sea Maiden's Faire will be in Waterdeep. Andryn Stormpeak and Cameron Overholt also notice that the unpainted figurehead at the front of both ships on this dock is an elven woman. They realize it could be a drow and notice a small embossed spider carved into her forehead.   Onboard the Hellraiser they see carnival workers emerging from where they hid during the attack, sailors taking charge and caring for any wounded or dead, and a lieutenant instructing someone to find the City Watch. Jarlaxle leads the party to a small rowboat. The captain of the Hellraiser is yelling orders nearby and instructs someone to take Jarlaxle and the party to Zardoz Zord's ship anchored in the harbor, the Eyecatcher.   Jarlaxle keeps up a steady commentary on your short trip across the frigid harbor. Questioning Runt Thundermount about his maul and commenting that she must bring much grief to his enemies. Cameron Overholt notices a large dark shadow pass beneath them underwater. Jarlaxle jokes that they've seen "the horror of the harbor." He says the locals say it might be a dragon, but he's been around long enough to know that dragons can't enter Waterdeep thanks to an ancient dragon ward. Cameron tries to deduce what else it could be but the list of suspects is too long. Jarlaxle assures them that it's never attacked and the harbor is very safe. It's not like Mistshore to the north where crime is rampant.   Finally, the party and Jarlaxle pull up to the Eyecatcher and board. The party notices that there are no carnival workers here, only sailors, who all keep one eye on the party. Jarlaxle leads them to a lower deck, passing deflated floats for the parade the party saw on Liar's Night many weeks ago. Runt and Andryn notice that the giant spider floats appear to be actual giant spiders. The party recalls that many drow pray to Lolth, the Spider Queen, and spiders are a significant presence in drow culture.   On the lowest deck of the ship, the party passes through Jarlaxle's training room and head toward his office. They're momentarily interrupted by one (probably two) lovers of Jarlaxle that have been waiting impatiently for him. He tells them he'll be with them shortly and leads the party to his office. Inside, a man looks up as they arrive. Cameron notices a trap door beneath him just closing. He bids welcome to Jarlaxle and whispers something in his ear. The party all hear him tell Jarlaxle "the money lender was seen at the haberdashery asking questions. Silverhand must have charged him with investigating what they found at the Inspired Hands."   The party recalls that Mirt is also called "Mirt the Moneylender" and "Silverhand" most likely refers to Laeral Silverhand, the Open Lord of Waterdeep. Runt also bought a fine robe at Nevercott's Haberdashery, which employed a nimblewright. They also remember meeting the nimblewright at the House of Inspired Hands previously.   Jarlaxle bids his man to leave and looks for the information on the cult of Asmodeus he promised you. Cameron does an insight check on Jarlaxle. He gleans that Jarlaxle is, so far, upfront in his willingness to help the party, but could easily stab you in the back at any moment. He is a wily rogue who is out for his own self-interest.   Runt mentions they overheard and he's not had great interactions with J.B. Nevercott. Jarlaxle doesn't seem to be surprised but says he must get the man on a good day. As he's continuing to look for the information he asks the party if they've placed any of the eyes in the Stone of Golorr yet. Cameron replies that they're waiting for them all before attempting to repair the stone. Jarlaxle muses on The Grand Game and says he does feel badly for Renaer Neverember in all this. Jarlaxle had met his mother, Lady Althea Brandath and found her to be delightful. He says Dagult Neverember was never good enough for her.   He finally gives the party his report on the cultists of Asmodeus. The party realize that the address listed on this document is the same address Mirt gave them previously when he asked them to investigate poisons being smuggled into Waterdeep. They realize that both the House of Inspired Hands and Cassalanter Villa are in the Sea Ward and that this report has mentioned there is an ancient place of worship in that ward. The party weigh their options. They could investigate this address but they need a long rest. They also want to ask the Casslanters if they know anything more about the cult.   Jarlaxle declines to share what was found in the House of Inspired Hands and bits them adieu. They party think they could contact a guild for information or blueprints of sites in the Sea Ward. They send a paper bird to their friend and contractor Wella Kettlewhistle and ask her to begin investigating at the Surveyors’, Map-, and Chart-makers’ Guild and they'll meet up with her. Runt takes his Long Rest potion.   Back on the dock they try to find out where the Surveyors’, Map-, and Chart-makers’ Guild is, but are met with disinterest and then too much interest from the City Watch when they reveal they were part of this brawl. Eventually they find out they need to go to The Map House and head there to meet Wella. Professional assistance will take them a few days to get the information they need but, with Wella's help and some clutch reading by Andryn they discover that there is a sizeable underground construction underneath Cassalanter Villa. It seems there is an access via the cellar.   Cameron and Andryn head home where the bar is subdued. Cameron gives their employee Patric some pointers behind the bar (and a boost of confidence) while Andryn helps bus tables. Runt heads to the The Yawning Portal where he finds Mirt drinking along with Renaer and his friends Laraelra "Elra" Harsard and Meloon Wardragon. Mirt and Elra are arguing about Mirt and the Open Lord keeping her boss, the Blackstaff out of the loop on the fact that they discovered some kind of surveillance device in the nimblewright at the House of the Inspired Hands. The Blackstaff is supposed to protect the city from magical threats, but Mirt argues this requires stealth and playing the long game, not barreling in destroying these clairvoyance crystals without thought. Runt gets the impression there is some tension between the Open Lord and Blackstaff in general. They all muse on what the information found in these nimblewrights could be used for. Mirt maintains that he wants more information before he goes knocking on Zord's door (since he knows Zardoz Zord is selling these machines). Runt mentions that he thinks Nevercott knows more than he's saying, which Mirt takes under advisement.   Elra and Mirt continue to argue much to the dismay of Renaer who says he was having a nice day visiting Brandath crypt and paying his mother respects before he was dragged here. Runt steers the conversation toward Waterdeep history and asks about underground structures in the city. Mirt tells him that beneath Yawning Portal Undermountain spans 23 levels, many of which have never been explored and that many years ago Halaster Blackcloack, a mage, descended into Undermountain with 7 apprentices. None of them were ever seen again.

Runt mentions he's looking for information on Asmodeus and heard there used to be underground cult sites in the city. Mirt doesn't know anything concrete about that. Mirt and Renaer offer any help they can give the party. Renaer, in particular, feels guilty for getting them involved with all this. He says he and his friends will help however they can.   Runt heads back to Trollskull Manor and Tavern where the others are asleep and waits for them to wake and tell them everything he's learned.   Party levels up!

Rewards Granted

Level up!

Related Reports

Jarlaxle's Report on the Cultists of Asmodeus

This report compiles information from a number of different sources – most contemporary, although a few surprisingly historical – exploring indications that there is a well-established cult of Asmodeus “which has infiltrated the highest strata of Waterdhavian society”.

After what appears to be a considerable amount of legwork, the report identifies a house on Aveen Street in the North Ward as being a secret front for one of the cult’s shrines.

This does not appear to be the center of worship, however. That distinction, according to references in some of the documentation captured from the Asmodean cultists over a century ago, appears to belong to an ancient site of worship located below the Sea Ward.

A recommendation is made that gaining access to the records of the Suveyors’, Map-, and Chart-makers’ Guild might prove useful in identifying this site, although likely only if its location could be narrowed down.


Stone of Golorr

Eye 1

Stolen from Renaer Neverember by the Zhentarim during The Kidnapping of Floon Blagmaar. Before they could take it back to Manshoon, it was stolen by the Xanathar's Guild and given to the Xanathar's pet fish who promptly ate it. The party snuck into the Xanathar's Lair during Xanathar's Guild Heist where they found Jarlaxle Baenre also attempting to steal the eye. Jarlaxle and his drow compatriots nabbed the eye and ran off.
Currently in possession of Jarlaxle.

Eye 2

Taken by Manshoon's Zhentarim from an unknown source and hidden inside his extra-dimensional sanctum within Kolat Towers. Stolen by the party during Manshoon's Deal.
Currently in possession of the party.

Eye 3

Taken by Lord Victoro Cassalanter and Lady Ammalia Cassalanter from an unknown source.
Currently in possession of the Cassalanters.

At the end of this session there are 2 days until the children's souls are forfeit.
Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Report Date
09 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Sea Maiden's Faire
Secondary Location
Castle Ward

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