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Vespera Achlys Othalam

A young sorcerer scholar with a penchant for the undead.

Campaign & Party

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Fri 31st Mar 2023 10:53

Cleansed by Sunlight

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

After leaving the very dank and now full of dead bodies cellar, we found a very drunk Percival! He somehow managed to kill a dragon and has been carrying its skull around and telling everyone about it.
Percy told us that when they left for the wedding, they went into a portal that brought them not to Draconia, but to a hideout run by a white dragon! They killed the "princess", killed the dragon with the help of some ghosts, and then the others went to Hell in the same fashion as Haanson. Somewhere in there, Aeldred "went poof" and that's what started this apparent holy war with Asmodeus.
I asked Decumon what he thinks about this horrible smell that's been stuck to me, the tentacle arm, and the forked tongue. He thinks at least the smell might be a punishment from the 6th level of hell to punish either me or those around me. He thinks my tongue is a punishment from Corellon (the dude who shot Gruumsh's eye out). He offered to help me research it more!
Klaus thinks the tongue is a gift (or a curse) from Gruumsh, and Mel thinks its connected to my demonic parenthood.
We returned to The Cloistered Retreat and got some additional rooms for the rest of us. I refuse to ever share a room with Zephyr ever again, so I got one for just Dr. Waldorf and I. We spent the night in full sleepover mode, and I learned he's a doctor of medicine and a very good listener. Think of the things he could do for the people of Deastok when we get back!
The next morning, we had a big conversation about our goals. Any good team needs to be on the same page about these kinds of things, especially since we have so many new people who have decided to follow us around (who knew I had so much power and influence?!).
Klaus wants to help get Gruumsh from beyond the Divine Gate, with the Library's help
Decumon wants to return to the Library and is interested in looking at the lens we recovered.
Zephyr wants to get home to the Air Plane
Mel wants to be a dentist and make friends
Antwon wants to get the Library back, change the name of the town, and build an empire
Percy wants to get the Library back and find Ignatius
I want to get the Library back and get rid of my stank.
Klaus then regaled us with the tale of Doya the Exploya, a woman who lives in a bog and teaches kids that size doesn't matter and looks like Yoda and teaches them Orcish. She is also a goblin and she saved a horse named Artax from her bog. She says that size matters not and smell also matters not.
We decided to spend the day researching some things before heading back to Deastok, with Klaus heading to a bookshop, Decumon & Zephyr heading to the Cobalt Soul Reserve, and myself and Mel looking for a temple.
There were 2 temples to Sarenrae in town, which means she must be the best god so we headed there. I asked a priest for help and they got all afraid of me! They went and got a lot of friends and then sprayed sunlight at me while strapped to a chair! It was very unnecessarily aggressive. While in the sunlight chair, I saw different versions of myself with my various afflictions leaving my body and then getting ZAPPED! It felt very weird and I decided after that happening twice that I was no longer interested in this type of help. I started to fight back, and Mel came to bamf us both out before things could get too messy. It appears that my arm has returned to normal, and the stank has left me! I also have a very bad feeling that Skully was killed at the same time, likely from some sort of connection being severed. I hope Dr. Waldorf is okay!
There seems to be something else that has changed within me aside from these curses leaving, but since Mel and I are focused on fleeing a temple right now, I don't have much time to think about it!

Vespera's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Character Background
    10 May 2022 01:57:32
  2. Snake Guts and Glory
    25 May 2022 02:20:08
  3. Setting Sail Without the Sails
    27 Jun 2022 02:03:25
  4. Live From Nicodranas, It Might Be Wednesday Night?
    01 Jul 2022 02:08:09
  5. Little Lighthouse of Horrors
    12 Jul 2022 11:04:30
  6. You Don't Lie to the Library
    19 Jul 2022 08:37:21
  7. The Lake
    23 Jul 2022 03:26:15
  8. The Queen of Deastok (Pending)
    30 Aug 2022 02:53:53
  9. The Final Countdown
    02 Oct 2022 10:37:10
  10. Into the Bog
    24 Oct 2022 12:17:33
  11. The Bullywog
    31 Oct 2022 12:08:17
  12. Demon Man's Best Friend
    07 Nov 2022 12:28:49
  13. A tidbit of an entry.
    27 Nov 2022 11:10:23
  14. Tentacles & Tragedies
    04 Dec 2022 04:25:07
  15. New Rulers in Town
    12 Dec 2022 12:53:15
  16. Together and Apart Again
    20 Dec 2022 01:04:58
  17. Wrong Road, Right Idea
    21 Dec 2022 03:04:01
  18. Vespera's Boons
    01 Mar 2023 02:11:48
  19. Vespera's Curses
    01 Mar 2023 02:12:48
  20. Let Chaos Reign!
    01 Mar 2023 02:26:07
  21. To Rexxentrum
    01 Mar 2023 02:53:53
  22. New Friends
    31 Mar 2023 10:31:47
  23. Cleansed by Sunlight
    31 Mar 2023 10:53:54

The major events and journals in Vespera's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 30 - Emerging from Yussa's tower

03:42 am - 08.11.2023

Session 30 - Emerging from Yussa's tower

03:42 am - 08.11.2023

Hero Forge Vespera

11:25 pm - 31.03.2023

Session 25 - Return to Deastock?

03:57 am - 06.03.2023

Session 25 - Return to Deastock?

02:12 am - 06.03.2023

Vespera's Curses

[b]Rotten[/b] #7 - Carrion Stench You smell like a decaying body all the time, make all charisma checks with disadvantage, unless the target is undead. #13 - Refused by Graves Your tongue becomes forked. While you have this mark, you can never be ...

02:12 am - 01.03.2023

Vespera's Boons

[b]Rotten[/b] #5 - Health of UnLife Your HP max goes up 1 for each Hit Dice you have. #14 - Skull Scry You can see through the skull of an animal or humanoid as long as you are within 100 feet of it. It takes 1 hour to prepare the skull and you ca...

02:11 am - 01.03.2023

Session 24 - The Big City

04:20 am - 24.02.2023

Session 24 - The Big City

12:46 am - 24.02.2023

Session 22a - The Journey North

03:17 am - 07.02.2023

Session 22a - The Journey North

03:01 am - 07.02.2023

Session 23b - The Choice

02:43 am - 06.02.2023

Session 23b - The Choice

02:43 am - 06.02.2023

Session 21a - The Chaos in Zadash

03:48 am - 23.01.2023

Session 21a - The Chaos in Zadash

12:40 am - 23.01.2023

Session 22b - The Fatal Fight

10:33 pm - 22.01.2023

Session 22b - The Fatal Fight

06:22 pm - 22.01.2023

Session 21 - b The Princess' Lair.

04:28 am - 16.01.2023

Session 21 - b The Princess' Lair.

12:42 am - 16.01.2023

Session 20b - the Wedding

05:41 am - 21.12.2022

Wrong Road, Right Idea

Antwon, Haansen and I have left the others and began to head towards Rexxentrum to meet with the Myriad, with the goal of making contact and discussing a working relationship moving forward. While travelling, we saw a statue to Ukatoa (which seemed odd b...

03:04 am - 21.12.2022

Session 20b - the Wedding

01:40 am - 21.12.2022

Session 20a - Northward to the Capital

04:05 am - 20.12.2022

Session 20a - Northward to the Capital

04:05 am - 20.12.2022

Together and Apart Again

Amos, Percy & Haansen have finally returned from the cloud! It was very exciting to get to welcome them to my new home and inform them of their new roles! During another week of working on the town, Haansen received a mysterious note that I helped him ...

01:04 am - 20.12.2022

Session 19 - De-Stressing in town.

04:00 am - 12.12.2022

New Rulers in Town

We have done it! After that endless and torturous temple, we have returned victorious and have now been installed as the leaders of Deastok! The leadership is as follows: - Minister of Health: Me - Minister of Finance: Percy - Minister of Entertainm...

12:53 am - 12.12.2022

Session 19 - De-Stressing in town.

12:53 am - 12.12.2022

Session 18 - New Town Who Dis

04:42 am - 05.12.2022

Session 18 - New Town Who Dis

04:42 am - 05.12.2022

Tentacles & Tragedies

Diary, Tragedy has struck this day. My dear Avon has left this world. this time I think for good. I shall tell you how we got to this point. We resume after reuniting with Amos and Haansen and some charred body. I tried to learn something from it, ...

04:25 am - 04.12.2022

Session 17 - The Temple End

04:36 am - 28.11.2022

Session 17 - The Temple End

12:04 am - 28.11.2022

A tidbit of an entry.

We really need to get this whole "cloud" thing sorted out. Avon came back, but Percy (and Jed) & Aeldred are now vanished. I was SO excited to tell Avon about how Skully sacrificed himself to the tongue monster, and introduce him to BIG Skully! Big Skul...

11:10 pm - 27.11.2022

Session 16 - The Sunken Temple Continued

10:46 pm - 16.11.2022

Session 16 - The Sunken Temple Continued

01:30 am - 07.11.2022

Demon Man's Best Friend

Diary! Amos made a new friend! Well...maybe. He at least wouldn't let us kill this strange new firbolg who was apparently following Amos' scent. It seems they are of the same kind! Though it's very strange that this new fellow - Haanson Petalfoot - w...

12:28 am - 07.11.2022

Session 15 - The Sunken Temple

03:50 am - 31.10.2022

Session 15 - The Sunken Temple

12:18 am - 31.10.2022

The Bullywog

Upon rising this morning, Avon and I learned that Taryon hadn't returned to us. After some searching, we learned that he and Doty had been taken to Port Demali to be tried as witches! Apparently they said a few too many odd things. We decided that they we...

12:08 am - 31.10.2022

Session 14 - Into the Depths

03:11 am - 24.10.2022

Into the Bog

The challenge is underway! We have been tasked with finding an ancient relic, a magic lens, that is said to be somewhere underwater. We dug through many tomes to research where it could be, and believe it to be in Othemoor. We bought 2 horses (plus...

12:17 am - 24.10.2022

Session 14 - Into the Depths

11:50 pm - 23.10.2022

Session 13 - The Final Challenge

02:54 am - 03.10.2022

Session 13 - The Final Challenge

11:21 pm - 02.10.2022

The Final Countdown

The festival is starting to come to an end! I competed in the comedy challenge - one I did not expect to win but it's only natural that I did! People love hearing me talk! The next day Amos and Avon entered a very cute turtle riding contest. Unfortu...

10:37 pm - 02.10.2022

Session 12 - The Festival Concludes

03:06 am - 12.09.2022

Session 12 - The Festival Concludes

02:05 am - 12.09.2022

Session 11 - Festival Continued

02:55 am - 31.08.2022

Session 11 - Festival Continued

12:34 am - 31.08.2022

The Queen of Deastok (Pending)

We headed into Deastok after the chaos at the lake to hopefully figure out our next steps or get some information. It is both just as I remember it, and also very different! Many different types were about, including Drow and Duergar. Hopefully this means...

02:53 am - 30.08.2022

Session 10 - The Festival

02:46 am - 24.08.2022

Session 10 - The Festival

12:11 am - 24.08.2022

The Lake

Finally, we got an audience with Yussa! He was not very pleased with our treatment of his apprentice, but was willing enough to help us. Yussa didn't seem to believe that we were from The Library, as we didn't have our Library Cards on us, and apparently ...

03:26 am - 23.07.2022

Session 9 - Yussa's Tower

02:29 am - 20.07.2022

Session 9 - Yussa's Tower

11:28 pm - 19.07.2022

You Don't Lie to the Library

After dispatching some very intriguing plant-zombies, we decided to take a wee break. Turns out that it was a good idea because Percy and Ignatius soon joined us in the Lighthouse! I am confused considering that Avon said Ignatius didn't want to leave the...

08:37 pm - 19.07.2022

Session 8 - Literally Inside Melora

02:47 am - 13.07.2022

Session 8 - Literally Inside Melora

11:23 pm - 12.07.2022

Little Lighthouse of Horrors

Percival and Ignatius might be killed in the morning! At least that is the information we have received when Aeldred, Amos and Antwon, finally returned from what appears to be a ruckus time with some " ladies of the late afternoon". We can also now con...

11:04 pm - 12.07.2022

Session 7 - Jail Bird Voyeurs

04:24 pm - 10.07.2022

Session 7 - Jail Bird Voyeurs

11:49 pm - 05.07.2022

Live From Nicodranas, It Might Be Wednesday Night?

After arriving in Nicodranas and heading to shore with Avon and Antwon, we were greeted by Amos and Ignatius! I was starting to believe that seeing Amos again was a dream and he was really dead all along. But apparently, he is in fact real, and I am in fa...

02:08 am - 01.07.2022

Session 6: Nicodranas "The Escape"

03:29 am - 29.06.2022

Session 6: Nicodranas "The Escape"

12:02 am - 29.06.2022

Setting Sail Without the Sails

We were so very lucky to find this capsized ship after we had to leave the coziness of the giant worm. Antwon was very handy in guiding us to right the boat, but I was a bit clumsy and almost drowned! The water was a lovely shade of blue. Thankfully, I di...

02:03 am - 27.06.2022

Session 5: Lost at Sea

03:10 am - 22.06.2022

Session 5: Lost at Sea

11:09 pm - 21.06.2022

Session 3: The Fate of Urukayxl

01:22 am - 21.06.2022

Session 3: The Fate of Urukayxl

11:21 pm - 31.05.2022

Snake Guts and Glory

I think all my training has paid off - I solved my first puzzle in a temple! I'm basically a bonafide relic hunter now, if only Grandfather could see! We descended deeper into the temple with the Yuan-ti, finding a strange underground orchard! Some of us ...

02:20 pm - 25.05.2022

Session 3: The Snake People's Temple

03:19 am - 25.05.2022

Session 3: The Snake People's Temple

11:16 pm - 24.05.2022

Session 2: Where the F%*# are we?

02:27 am - 18.05.2022

Session 2: Where the F%*# are we?

11:14 pm - 17.05.2022

Vespera's Curses

[b]Rotten[/b] #18 - Excess Blood...

08:08 pm - 11.05.2022

Vespera's Boons

#16 - Tar Blood Your blood gets denser and turns into a boiling, tar-like, black liquid. When a creature within 5 feet of you damages you with a melee attack, it must succeed on a DC 13 DEX saving throw or take 1d4 acid damage from the spilled blood....

07:38 pm - 11.05.2022

Session 1: Arrival on the Island

07:35 pm - 11.05.2022

Session 1: Arrival on the Island

11:17 pm - 10.05.2022

Character Background

Lord Gideon Othalam originally hailed from Zadash in the Dwendalian Empire. He was a powerful noble in the area who always did what was “best” (by his standards or desires) for those in his lands or in his business pursuits. When his lands were prospe...

01:38 am - 10.05.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vespera.

Played by