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4721 AR - Age of Lost Omens 1st of Gozran

Introduction Ceremony, and meeting new friends again

by Malnar

Attended the introduction scenario today, met the tailed one again, the others looked sort of familiar, might they also have been from the dream?
The woman named Ruin seems very.. Intense, might be best not to try and bring humor to her, at least for a while.
Cualli seems to be very serious, though to be fair his homelands seems to be in a fair bit of trouble with demons so it is understandable, but certainly in need of some humor in their life.
M'Olivia is particularly concerned with plants.
Illiara seems to be another serious one, seems more skittish than the other though, probably have to be careful about what light is brought to them. Seems to wish for knowledge for the sake of it, more than for a lofty goal also like the other.
Mukami, apparently the name of the tailed one, looks to be a seeker of secrets and is from Msali(sp) which the teacher seemed to be concerned about. Seems to one that wishes to explore the world and share their culture with others, they may be a good fellow bringer of humor to the world, will have to talk to them later.
After we were given some practical tests, the candle one was interesting was I naturally can bring fire it was a simply matter for myself, but it seems only one other may be able to do so easily, and the end solution was a quite mundane one that makes complete sense but would never have come to me.
The second test with the bird was interesting, I am not sure exactly how I would have handled that on my own if others hadn't come up with a solution.
The snake test unfortunately was much the same, there was nothing magical about the snake, it had odd markings but not ones I have ever seen before to recognize their secret meaning, and while I have conversed with animals before never any of the scaled variety.
Mukami seems like they may have something in their bag, and apparently it doesn't appreciate funeral music, have to agree myself it is rather sad and not lively at all. In my village if one of the kin have passed they would want to be remembered for how they lived, merrily and happy not sad.
After some symbols appeared, that appeared to be along the lines of:
Flickering Candle
Balanced Scales
Multi-pronged Key
Persed Lips
Open hand with eye in palm
Running Hourglass
Crescent Moon holding sun
After they appeared we were asked to choose one, and each approached one and seemed to learn something new afterwards (spells OOC)
Illiara - Key - Ghost sound
Ruin - Candle - Dancing Lights
Malnar - Open hand with Eye - Know Direction
M'Olivia - Crescent Moon - Read Aura
Mukami - Hourglass - Stabilize
Cualli - Scales - Guidance
Cuali recognized me from the dream, apparently he was indeed one of the ones
After the last we were asked to answer the question of what defines each of us even if it is rarely noticed, if there is something inside that pulls in some direction, or defies explanation, and so in essence, who each of us are, and how we could be best guided.
Ruin is apparently a secretive or to keep to themself person, or at least one that doesn't wish to speak of themselves.
Illiara has some secret that tries to pull them in a direction they do not wish to follow, and hopes studying here will help them resist it.
Mukami is like Ruin and didn't wish to share who they are with everyone.
M'Olivia is very, very focused on plants.
Cualli started saying about their goal for the school as they had mentioned before, which doesn't really answer the question of who they are, but then stopped and saying the world is big.
The teacher gave us some beads to symbolize our journey in the academy, it is a nice cultural way to symbolize ones growth and time here.