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Sun 10th Mar 2024 08:06

An eventful little trip

by Malnar

As the title doth say this little trip of ours has certainly not been dull. after speaking with the new students, Goss Droplets and Threads, their true names of which I will note below as to not clutter up the recount of the adventure so far, we found out a little more about them.
Droplets or Savanakin seems to be very interested in art and rituals, while also being able to write in multiple styles and seems to know a surprising number of languages even if not fully fluently in them, but at least enough to say hello as it were, also from some brief examples of speech from my homeland they do seem to quickly be able to pickup to the basics of new languages as well.
After entering and exploring around where our trip next doth led, we encountered a very angry and tough statue, awakened after Ruin opened a door in her normal fashion. After defeating it, were able to ascertain that its enhancement seemed to have been recharged in just the last day, so someone has been here recently, which may well have been the dead serpentfolk woman we encountered in the next room, or someone else. There we also encountered a nasty curse seeming to strengthen the effects of poison, positioned unsurprisingly around a number of large snakes.
During our explorations of the next few areas we encountered a ring of unknown use that Illiara secured with mage hand, a rune of striking given to our large angry friend Ruin, and I was able to grab a couple acids that may be useful for some crafting uses later.
Not to mention another large angry thing, this time made of wood, that was quite particularly painful to with myself and Cuali were sent to the corner to visit the lands of dreams for a little while, while Ruin and Illiara finished the very unhelpful fellow off, what a day aye?
*Written in the margins are the following names*
Rainbows-Reflected-Upon-Gossamer-Strands nickname Goss - Goss
Droplets-Hanging-Gently Savanakin - Droplets
Barest-Threads-Billowing Maztachia - Threads