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Sun 4th Dec 2022 08:38

Worries about Childrens future and upsetting friends

by Malnar

Today will be a short entry, but one I am most concerned about.
We were tasked with doing some community assistance and everyone went to where they felt they would like to assist the most, with Illiara and I ending up going to assist at the library, helping with learning to read or otherwise answer any questions people may have there kind of thing.
While there I met a young man who seemed to be down on their luck, not the most pleasant smelling or clean individual, but talking with them seemed a good soul. This young man wished to take up adventuring, so he could take care of his siblings and his dog, so I wished to assist this noble goal, while making sure to stress that adventuring is not the safest of things to do, so while it can be rewarding, and can help support those one cares about, one must be aware of the dangers, prepare for them and be careful.
So I searched for some books that would both be able to explain these things, in a way that would be useful and hopefully at least a little entertaining to a younger man, and found a good story that would do so, but while going over it the kid seemed to focus on the use of weapons in the story, so I went out to find another book that would hopefully help explain the usage of, but also most importantly the safe use of, care of, and when it should be necessary to use them.
The first bit was something about 'wetwork', that is a very confusing title, what does 'wet' have to do with using blades? Sure it might rain profusely and have a blade get wet, and yes bodily efluence may get on a blade during use as well. Perusing the tome however proved I was very glad I took the time to do so, as apparently 'wetwork' has something to do with the more unsavory types use of blades, such as the likes of assassins and thugs. This book would most certainly not be a good influence for a younger mind, and would likely lead them onto a path to their own demise, or that of many others in a bad fashion.
I was able to find another tome about the way of the blade that was much more akin to what I was looking for, it goes into depths about both how to properly and safely use a blade, but also that using one should be a last resort, that diplomacy if possible is always best first, and avoiding a conflict is preferable to having one. It actually reminded me of some of the Shogunate philosophies as explained to me by some of the settlements on the border of my forest home.
However on going over the tome with the young man, he did not understand why 'shanking' someone that should upset them was not the best first course of action, and my attempts to explain why not, and such as above about avoiding a conflict and home to themselves or others being the best course if possible were going particularly badly.
I attempted to elicit Illiara's assistance in the conversation, but it went no better then my own, and so in attempt to deflect, I asked the young man if they were hungry as they had mentioned having a hard time getting food, and obviously were in need a good bath as well, with the intention of finding Cualli who I feel would be a much better model for explaining why not to 'shank' everyone.
The young man agreed and so I went in search, and was able to find him at the same time of meeting up with Ruin, who wished to speak with me, so I introduced the young man to both my friends and ushered him to off with Cualli after explaining what he was interested in, and about how he was having a hard time understanding peaceful resolution to conflicts, while I spoke with Ruin outside about what she needed.
She asked if we were friends, which I would like to think I am with those I have met here, and once before in a dream and said so, and she asked if there was anything I wished to tell her, after asking that friends can tell eachother things, I couldn't really think of anything interesting going on at the time so had said no.
But she seemed upset about this answer, and then that she didn't have 'anything to say to me either' and went off, I fear that I have really upset her, though for the life of me I cannot think of why, but this greatly bothers me as I do not wish to do so.
I will have to find her later so I can talk, it probably may bore her to tears, but I will try to tell her things about myself until I can fix what upset I have caused.