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Sun 17th Jul 2022 11:16

The Grand Tour

by Malnar

Arrived at the dormitories after the introduction to the others, were given some umbrellas by a seemingly nice enough lady named Esi Djana. Though that brings to mind does it rain that much here that this is a common thing to give out? There seem to be trees about, but apparently they do not keep most but a slight shimmer of misty drizzle out like home.
There was also a catfolk named Chizire there who offered some mango and wine, though from what was said perhaps actually more along the lines of moonshine than wine. I will have to speak to them later as they seem someone who would appreciate, or perhaps assist with bringing more humor to those in need.
Met another couple new people in the entryway, and got to see the humorous sight of the friendly and rather small M'Olivia unintentionally scaring away a slightly taller gnoll with friendliness, whose name is apparently Anchor Root.
Some interesting magical baths they have here, apparently Ruins people prefer to not bath as often as others may, will need to check if there is latches here and/or extra strength drying methods.
Was shown a few other students rooms and introduced to them as well, including M'Olivia's friend from earlier, though she confused me with Illiara with our goals in life, as she apparently wishes to retire and something about frogs, I personally have no interest in retiring, there is entirely too much to see and experience out here.
Also met another named Ignaci Canterells in the hall before we were introduced to the eastern baths, which apparently are not often used simply because they are not as warm as the other, and while warmer water is nice, I am told these have latches on the inside and due to the before bit, more privacy.
However on first entering these baths I ended up engaged with a couple bundles of animated clothes in the bath, they gave a couple little cuts to Cualli, but were docile enough once caught and skittered away when freed after.
I was going to make use of the bath as well, but unfortunately after latching the door there was a knock while I was examining how exactly they work, how the water is kept heated and how the drainage if any works, so will need to come back later as it was time to go further on the tour.
On the south side of the dormitory there is an Interesting pond that the water level is always the same and unchanging year round, which is odd and interesting, it was mentioned that there is suspicion that it or the frogs around and in it may have been magically enchanted to attack or bother someone, but our guide seems to believe that isn't the case.
On the north side there is a fascinating gravitational anomaly around a spire, that can be potentially used to sling shot one selves or others, even to the roof of the building. I did a jump and even not trying to exert myself was able to get about 60 feet up, and if not for the rain of the day would have likely been an amazing view, even so I was able to make out various people here and there with their umbrellas out (if the weather is commonly like this I may need to ask if there is some sort of drying enchantments available)
Next we were shown to the messhall, of which there are two free meals a day, and there was a decent spread of food available, I was able to make some familiar sushi rolls, even if a poor facsimile to what would be at home, as they had fish, rice, and some lettuce that could be used for a wrap.
There was some brief discussion of group name, with Ruin suggesting Ruin's group, M'Olivia modifying that to Ruin and friends, and Cualli suggesting Dreamers. I don't mind whatever they may wish our little troupe to be called, though it would feel more appropriate to not have it be named after one person, whoever that person may be.
All throughout the tour Illiara seems rather cold and distant, she does not seem to wish to really get to know others, or speak on topics either. Cualli and Ruin seemed even almost ready to come to fisticuffs over getting Illiara to open up, but after some diffusing sushi, went on their way.
Lastly we visited the general store, where we were asked to make a beade that fit ourselves, so I made a very small approximation of one of the massive pines from home for them. We also found out we get a small stipend of coin every month, though aside from some equipment for studies I am not sure what exactly to use it for, as currency is not something I have used much besides when interacting with the settlements outside the forest.
Sadly I have not been able to bring much humor to those here so far, but I will have to speak to Chizire again later.