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Sun 31st Mar 2024 07:18

A journey with insanity

by Malnar

To go from a somewhat eventful day but with numerous naps to very event day travelling with someone who while full of useful knowledge (will definitely need to remember that trick about discovering arcane traps), may be quite possibly insane, we may never know.
From talking with teachers and following the potentially-insane one back to the bodies of the serpentfolk we were told they may be members of a group called the Coils of Ydersius, who apparently are a group of Serpentfolk that undergo intense training to improve their ability to disguise themselves, to the point of even being fixated on seeking methods of reincarnating into new forms to infiltrate societies. That they apparently have people deeply infiltrated in said societies, often for years, and are basically never caught because of their lack of skill in disguise or bleeding in, but due to their common attitudes of hubris, arrogance or entitlement.
I must say hearing about all this makes me fear for those who may be seen as something other than their true selves that have no planning to rule the world/evil intent and potential witch hunts for anyone that may appear as something other than their true self. I have remained thus for The Game, as it brings amusement for me, and I hope some measure of achievement and 'aha' moments for those that play, but I don't wish to become a danger to others or be in danger myself for it, something to think about at any rate.
But lastly apparently the teachers having learned of what we found, both the potentially-insane one and others, stress that it must not get out about the Serpentfolk being found, as there may be others undercover in the school and if it was made known that they had been discovered, would go to ground or who knows what else. That if they are to be dealt with as it were, that all of them present must be found out before the reveal was to be made.
We also had one of Ruins birthday parties (the first of who knows how many), I hope she appreciated the gift I made for her, I did my best to accurately carve a representation of Daikutsu and her children as they have statues of about my village back home, which I gave a small prayer to Daitkitsu if she so pleases, to bless and look over the one it was given to.
And now we are off to deal with some infestation with a pair of new students, primarily to keep watch and observe as we are not interfere, but we all know how these things tend to go..