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Sun 17th Mar 2024 05:07

Some not-so-friendly new friends

by Malnar

After our wayward encounter with the unhappy walking tree we headed outside to speak to the new students some more, but illiara let us know there were what seemed to be two people still inside talking behind a door. After heading back inside I listed with the help of comprehension and in a language I didn't know two were talking that did hear our altercation were discussing about if we had left yet.
Knocking and saying hello we saw two there, who introduced themselves as Oyo and Mtembe, saying they were students of the school as well, et al, the discussion seemed normal at first, however when it was asked who their teachers were they gave the names of Orwallu & Haarou, who I remembered from some past reading were teachers at the school until a couple years ago.
When I asked what should have been a simple question of when the last time they spoke to their stated teachers was, or the last time they went to class, they would not give me even a vague time, making up excuses about being free spirits and not tied down to times or whatnot.
Now don't get me wrong, I can be a free spirit at times, for daikitsu's sake my true name is based on my wanting to explore and see everything, but blatantly avoiding what should be a simple question twice after giving a seemingly obvious lie, didn't sit right at all.
After expressing as such to the others, things got a little heated and the two showed us a trapdoor to a secret entrance to this room, and proceeded to run towards it to get away, I had meant to have them think they were surrounded with a little misdirection so they would surrender or be more open to talking honestly, but it then came to blows.
After the smoke cleared it turns out our two new acquaintances were serpentfolk in disguise as the one in the secret passage we had come through (note to self: examine that one closer to see if we can confirm the likely case they may all have originally been in the same group), and poor Cuali was taking another nap, sleepy lad that one.