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Sun 28th Apr 2024 04:05

Did anyone get the number of that deer.. thing

by Malnar

The adventure in the collection of the irritable lady continued, after having cleverly corralled the two tigers of the sign noted three back in their pen, Cuali who had acted as bait to get them in there was able to slip out and for us to continue seeing what we could find.
Ruin and Illiara went to the left from the cage, while Cuali and I went to the right, I was ahead tryingt to stick in the bushes and tree lines to avoid sight and see what we could see, only to find myself face to face with a very unhappy electric deer snake tail thing seemingly having stumbled into where it was near the end of the treeline here. It quickly made its displeasure at being disturbed known acquainting me again with the grass under the trees there.
Long battle short, apparently the reason we did not have another tiger trying to have us for lunch earlier, is because the basilisk cage was also opened by whoever has seemingly been through and illigitly opening the animal cages, and the tiger had wandered a bit too close. Ruin proceeded to lure the perturbed electric cervine over to the basilisks cage so that it could get turned to stone, lock the basilisks cage, and bring this eventful and painful day to close.
Also apparently basilisks blood can be used to cure said petrification, as long as it is applied shortly enough after the event occurs, so the indignant stag should be ok, with the only casualty among the animals being the tiger that h ad been petrified before we had gotten there, which the animal trader was happy about.
Also after a long and well deserved bath & rest, a wealth of new experience was to be had, and saying such, what was the name of that pretty ork lass of Cuali's.. will have to remember that, for no specific reason.