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Sun 7th Apr 2024 05:41

Gryphons, Tigers, and Daikitsu-knows-what oh my

by Malnar

After the remaining screaming monkeys were dealt with, thankfully with no more episodes of sudden tiredness, we talked with the two a bit more before returning to the dorm.
In the end we decided we should look more into the situation of the Gryphons, what exactly happened there, did they accidentally get loose, were they let loose, why when there were other sources where they could feed around did they end up flying to where we and the new students were, et al.
During the process of looking into where to go for that and before leaving, we had an enjoyable conversation with Cheshire, and talked more about Pappa Cualli (note to self, more of the school and/or dorm should know about the wholeness of Cualli's fatherhood, look into that). We also spoke with Esi, to which I made sure to point out for Cheshire how she believes he has so much potential (no need to focus on the negative bit that may have followed), so to keep a chin up there.
After speaking with the rather disagreeable woman that owned the Gryphons, who claimed to have fed them large amounts of insects regularly despite the fact they seemed malnourished from what I remember, we were given permission to check the cages they had been kept in, but on getting to the area things seem off.
The keeper claimed that she hadn't been to the area for a bit now, but we found tracks that indicated someone has been through here within the day, including on a Tiger cage that was opened by some means not using a key recently as well, the tigers of which we soon were greeted by as they tried to make us their lunch, taking significant chunks of morsels as we were able to bait two of them into the cage with Cuali who then was able to slip out of and shut it, though we need to get it relocked, thankfully without harming them as the owner was very adamant about not bringing harm to any more of her animals.
A very worrying thing however is the sign had said three, where is the third, and what else may be loose here?