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Sun 11th Dec 2022 07:29

The Tourney

by Malnar

Before the tourney there was an incident during the night with the twins and pound outside the dorms, Cuali and I awoke to the sounds of trouble and rushed outside to find one of the twins wrapped up in some kind of skin, and Wet had broke his way through the window of his room to try and help and was using a shard of glass from said window to try to cut the twin that was wrapped up free.
We were able to free the twin without any harm, though Wet did have some wounds due to using jagged glass in his hand to cut with that Cuali healed, and the the Twins said they saw something in the pond. Examaning the skin it seemed to be from a large snake maybe of some sort, but I was not able to find any tracks coming from or too the pond from it which is concerning.
While I am proud of Wet to have leaped to the defense of others, which goes further to my first impressions that he was a good kid, and why I hope I can help him along the path in life he wishes to take in a constructive and non-harmful manner, the twins seem reclusive and much less themselves after the encounter, including during the Tournament later. I will need to make a note on how I may be able to help cheer them up and restore them to their happy exuberant selves.
As far as the tournament, it was interesting to say the least, we fought a number of rounds against increasing numbers of these wooden constructs made by the Leshies in only two person teams. We started with Cualli and Ruin, as the pair we figured most likely to avoid or survive damage against enemies up front, as well as, especially in Ruins case, the skill and ability to take them down. While Illiara or myself can bring them down, we both tend to be more on the squishy side if something gets to us.
The first round went very well, with Ruin obliterating one of the shielded constructs, the following rounds didn't go quite so well, with both taking a fair bit of wounds, some of which Cuali healed.
After that it was switched up with Ruin and I, which at first went well, with Ruin continuing to deconstruct the constructs at alarming pace, until they unfortunately overwhelmed her and knocked her out and I found myself surrounded by a number of them. Surprising even myself I was able to jump, weave and dodge most of their blows while whittling them down a little at a time (note to self: find where the archery range is, as apparently in the many months it took to get here I have grown desperately out of practice), however by the time the last was down I was heavily wounded and almost unconscious myself.
The last round had Cuali and Illiara, which hopefully with Cualli holding them off Illiara can bring her spellwork to bear and clear the field, unfortunately as the case in my bout, Cuali was knocked out before too long by the constructs (to be fair, he was against a significantly higher number then Ruin & I), but Illiara was able to win the day, although share barely made it through same as I.
One thing of particular concern however , is her Umbrella that she seemed to care quite a bit for was broken during the fight, and the anger radiating off her and the expressions she made as she unleashed a torrent on the Leshi that broke it was terrifying to behold, and I had thought Ruin was the only slightly worrying one in the group.
After it all, apparently none of the other groups faired that much better, some others had been able to succeed same as we, but there was no definitive winner, all had apparently barely succeeded in one manner or another. So the final winner was put down to a crowd vote on who made the most impressive performance in the fights, and in that we took second place, to some that apparently made a spectacle of using combined tactics of greased ground lit on fire and toppling constructs into the fire, which I do admit sounds impressive to see.
Between the bath and sleep after the night events and the tournament, I did not get the chance to speak to Ruin as I hoped to, so I will make sure to do that at earliest opportunity.