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Tue 15th Nov 2022 12:55

Adventures in the Library

by Malnar

Still in the library and surrounded by a horde of creepy crawlies, I can only imagine how very long it will take to feel clean again after this adventure, first little unappreciated to being helped people covered in bits and pieces, to hordes of insects... Regardless, we were able to clear them out, though not without some minor to serious injury to all, with one of our number being knocked unconscious until they were able to recover.
Afterwards we were noticeably more cautious in this library of errant things that may or may not wish to eat you, and were able to eventually after thoroughly searching all the rooms find all the tomes and scrolls we were asked to find, minus what was left of the one that was used by the wasp nest in one room. Not entirely without incident however, as we did awaken some more of the critters that ambushed us in the bath the first day here that had been hiding among some books and scrolls, and besides one that was cut to tinders by a mighty swing of Ruin's sword (note to self: be careful about how one may attempt to brighten her day, failing and being on the receiving end of that sword would not be a highlight of any day) the rest were able to be safely 'encased' inside a tome by Illiara, much to my regret to say, to be released in the bath, to hopefully not ambush a good soak another day.
Also did get some nice comradery during the search, with Cuali I believe asking others about themselves for the first time, and about how some of the more magically inclined came about their knowledge or magic. He seemed particularly surprised when I told him about my childhood mishap with the family curtains before I was taught to control the inner fire, apparently people from around here do not have any innate magical abilities, which seems rather odd and sad if one asks me.
And besides, if one thinks needing to replace a couple drapes is bad, I really shouldn't mention about the story behind the blackened circle come garden later that used to be a neighbors dwelling (no, I most certainly was not involved)
But I get ahead of myself, after the tangling with various critters and finding the requested tomes and scrolls, we did also find a golden key, but not a lock for it to go, one suggested possibly in that nest in one room but noone was keen to check inside, and logically that a chest for the key would likely be too large to fit in that nest either way.
There was also the suggestion of since this library was for the moment besides the Nest, cleared out and apparently abandoned, that maybe it could be turned into a little home, hideout or otherwise place of quiet and solitude for us, which is a rather interesting idea. I wonder if the teachers might let slip the method used to keep the waters in the dorm baths continuously warm.. If so it may be possible to make another here if it was to be used as a kind of quiet place?
Ah but again back on track, we took the requested items to the teacher who took them and was concerned about the cantankerous 'residents' that had resided there, saying he would find someone to deal with the situation. When asked said that he didn't, and there may not even be anyone at the school that specifically knows why the building had been abandoned in the first place.
Well more study and tasks for another day, for now, an extra long, luxurious soak is in my immediate future.