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13th-14th July 1956

The Lake Investigation

by Samuel Marlowe

Day 2 at the lake.
Weather is fine if a little windy.
What the hell !!!!??? Where has all the water gone?
Dr Storm says the the lake does rise and fall but not this quickly.
Soldiers are out on foot doing a sweep of the lake. Good luck to them. That will take a while.
That idiot of a Colonel has refused our help searching the lake for the missing cadets.
Typical officer - pretends he's in control of the situation even when he isn't. I really don't miss that from my time served.
We are limited to the lake shore in our investigation so we have taken a look at the VJ that capsized.
Are those claw mark on the hull of the boat? They certainly look like it but what could have made them? Looking at the size of them, it must have been big!!!
The boffins have done their thing and reckon that what made the marks could have been 8-10 feet tall!!
I really don't want to meet that on a dark night without my rifle!
It kind of looks like they may have been made by something trying to tip the boat over.
We have exhausted our possibilities at the camp so it's time to grab a truck and head North along the lake shore to see what we can find.
About 2 hours into the trip Rosemary spotted something and we slid to a halt.
Are those drag marks coming out of the lake and up over the road towards the hills to the West?
James thinks the drag marks resemble those left by body being dragged up from the lake. Hmmm, not sure where he may have seen that before. Better keep an eye on him.
After lunch (thank you again Rosemary, always looking out for the boys) we have decided to prepare ourselves for a trek up into the hills to see what may await us......
We headed up into the hills. After about 20 minutes, the drag marks led us to dark but dry tunnel leading into the hillside.
Time to get down and dirty.... into to black maw of uncertainty our intrepid group ventured.
Our subterranean path opened to a large chamber with a creek running North-South barring our way.
The other side of the shallow creek rises sharply to a large "C" shaped flat, open area.
As we looked to explore the Northern end of the cavern, the sound of clicking alerted us to the presence of something with us....
Crabs!!!! Not the type you get at the local fish and chips shop either.
Monsters with 8'shells!!!
One of the bastards got hold of Rosemary before Frank blew it off her after cleaning the other one up.
Thank God she's OK.
Continuing our search, the North looks like a dead end.
To the South, there is a short passage leading West that pans out to be another dead end.
There is also, however a passage here that goes further South and East downwards back towards the lake.
The strange thing about this tunnel is that it looks like it leads under the lake.....
40 minutes down this tunnel and we are still heading down with no end in sight. WE must be back at the lake by now.
After another 15 minutes, it looks like the tunnel is opening up into another cavern. Passages lead off to the North and South
Rosemary thinks we must be 500'under the ground by now.
Is that the glint of metal off in the distance on a wall to the East? It is.
Klaus says it's manufactured steel. Clearing away the dirt around it, it seems to be some sort of a door with no handle????
Can't seem to find a way past this so not sure where to go from here.
Something isn't right here.
Rosemary has found several sets of prints on the ground in front of the door. Not prints from some regular Joe. No it couldn't be that simple.
These prints are large webbed ones. Looks like they might be from that thing that took the VJ out.
To make matters worse, there is another tunnel up in the roof above one of the sets of prints.
I guess we know where we are going next.
Not sure I like the idea going up there with whatever made those prints but we need to find those boys or at least what happened to them.
Here we go......
Frank hoisted me up into the tunnel.....There is a tunnel leading to the left and right curving off in a "U" shape with both passages heading towards the wall with the metal plate in it.
These tunnels look like they are man made and open up so we can stand
As we headed down the left passage we see 5 sets of eyes ahead of us....Snakes, Copperheads by the looks of it. But dammit they're big ones.
Prudence being the better part of valor, we decide to go back to the right hand side. This side looks more promising....
Until I almost plummet to my death as the floor disappears below me. What the hell is a pit trap doing here?
15'deep and 12'across. No easy way of crossing that!!
Well bugger me! That flyboy James has jumped the damn thing!!!
F*@!king show off. Good on him. Colour me impressed.
Now the rest of us have to get across. Frank has put together a method for use to cross the gap and we all cross over.
The tunnel continues on the other side but reduces to a crawl space. Before we continue on, Rosemary makes sure we have a feed of the remaining sandwiches she packed.
Just before we head off into the crawlspace, Frank pipes up and says that these tunnels are NOT man made. Thanks for that little piece of information.
Klaus thinks they were made by "Space Bees" ........
Now James is suggesting huge Wombats....
There's only one way to find out what's in there.
Christ, this tunnel is long... There's a light at the end of the tunnel....literally.
Not sunlight, but something else. And there are some sort of mechanical sounds. Are those computer thingy noises?
As the tunnel opens up I can see a large cavern filled with those new-fangled "computers" and lights. Nobody here by the looks of it.
We are about 20'above the floor here. We descend our rope to the floor below with Frank considering his fate as the last man in the tunnel......
Frank wedged his rifle in the tunnel and came down.....quickly.....followed soon by the rifle and rope. At least he is safe.
While Rosemary and Klaus are doing Brainiac stuff to the computer things, the rest of us take a look around the room looking for another way out.
We have found several "handles" set equidistant around the perimeter of this roughly round room. It's also obvious that this room hasn't been used for some time...maybe 5 years.
While Rosemary was explaining that the computers seem to have been shut down, we heard the rasping of a door rising up into the wall followed by a loud expletive from Frank...…. Oh F@#k - Spiders!!
Looking up, we are greeted by the sight of 3 new openings in the walls and huge spiders streaming out from them. When I say huge, I mean 10' huge. What the hell are they breeding here?????
Sam took one down with his SMG..... and the bloody thing got up again. Shit!!!
After taking several more rounds of pistol fire from Rosemary and Sam, the thing finally went down for good.
Meanwhile Frank had the same experience with the other spider.
After a short rest, we decided to go out of the East exit where the spiders came from. This man-made tunnel led into another large cavern carved out of the rock.
It's some sort of laboratory. There are 5 operating tables here with cadets on them!! More importantly though, there is some sort of fish man thing here, doing something with the boys.
As we approached the creature Alice opened up on it with her pistol. All that did was piss it off and it came at us.
We subdued it and checked out the cadets. They were all dead...….
As we searched the laboratory we found notes on Wheels and Liesl. What are they doing here???
Perhaps we need to interrogate the prisoner......
The fish-man says his name is Dr Mark Oliphant. Apparently Rosemary recognises the name. Some sort of nuclear physicist big wig that helped the US develop the A-Bomb. Just as we were about to ask more, Sam screamed and went down clutching his head, screaming something about a woman with red hair and glowing golden skin.
He was turned into the fish-thing by the experiments to recreate an A-bomb a few years ago, after the US wouldn't share the technology.
After this Mark dropped of the grid and Sam may have been asked to investigate the disappearance.
Apparently Klaus's absentee wife, Helene was helping Mark in some way and disappeared a few days ago.
At the mention of a red haired contact at the CSIRO, Mark seemed to get somewhat agitated.
Klaus took a sample of the blue liquid and we set off to find an exit from this place
We found a door with some sort of keypad. When Klaus put his daughter's birth date in the keypad, a recording of Helene's voice started. Shortly after this, a door opened and a Gorilla burst into the room.
Oliphant screamed "Ernest" and proceeded to attach us with him.
We took Ernest down and Klaus proceeded to empty his Luger into the corpse to make sure it didn't stand up again.
After killing Oliphant we took a look in the room that Ermest came out of. We found some notes written by Klaus's wife about experimenting on animals to prolong life. They want to experiment on humans next.
While we were searching the room, Frank went to remove the blue IVs from the dead cadets.
There was a gunshot from the rom next door. Frank!!!
Thank God he was Ok. Just an itchy trigger finger when 2 of the bodies twitched.
After finding no other exits, we managed to climb back out of the complex via the same route as we used to enter, taking 3 of the cadets' bodies with us.
We made it back to the army camp, only to be confronted by that arsehole of a Colonel who drew a gun on us when we told him that we found 3 of the boys bodies!!!
After calming him down, we left the bodies of the boys with him and went back to Canberra to report our findings to Mr Smith.
Mr Smith was grateful and felt justified in his choice of bringing us together, mentioning something about our having proven ourselves and being able to trust us now.
Apparently the lab was some old CSIRO one from the war....
With that we told we could rest and were led to an underground railway of some sort. I wonder where this will take us.........?

Continue reading...

  1. The Railway Shooting
    25th September 1956
  2. The Trip to Maralinga
    4th October 1956
  3. The Answers are in Canberra?
    8th October 1956
  4. The other Sydney.....
    Late July 1956
  5. The Return
    15th-16th July 1956
  6. The Return (Part 2)
  7. The Return Part 5
    15th November 1956
  8. The Return Part 6
    20th November 1956
  9. The End or a New Beginning?
  10. The Arrival...
  11. The Arrival (Part 2)
  12. The Arrival (Part 3)
  13. The Arrival (Part 4)
  14. The Lake Investigation
    13th-14th July 1956