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15th November 1956

The Return Part 5

by Samuel Marlowe

It is now mid-November, and we are at the CSIRO. Not the CSIO that we started off in, but a parallel universe one.
After speaking with Dr Gabriela Milagre, we have been told that we need to go back to where it all began.
Klaus is concerned that his daughter may be trapped in this parallel world so wants to check before we go anywhere.
We go to Klaus's house in this Canberra to investigate.
The house is definitely Klaus's but none of the items that he has collected since we met him are there.
We can also see that the house hasn't been used since we arrived in this world
This implies that when we travel to another world, we become the version of ourselves native to this world while their consciousness goes off somewhere else.
Returning to CSIRO, Dr MacSwain confirms that this is one of the rules of travel between worlds. Apparently, she has the ability to travel between worlds at will but cannot explain details to us.
We split up - Klaus and Rosemary go off to try to create a detector to find his daughter while Sam, Alice, and James head off to investigate the history of Klaus and James in this world - apparently, they disappeared from the original training program we first went on in this world.
Questioning Dr Milagre, she confirms that this may be a focal point, but these things just don't happen randomly but need a trigger.
It turns out that Mr Smith specifically chose the team for the training exercise based on their backgrounds and relation to each other to investigate paranormal threats to this world. He had no knowledge of travel between worlds at that time.
On this world, Klaus and James did not return from the training exercise so this seems to be the event that triggered everything. It looks like we have to go to Wilcannia to investigate this further.
Mr Smith also confirmed that it seems that the events across the worlds was triggered from our original worlds and not the others.
Dr Milagre confirms that all worlds develop separate event on a similar timeline but never interact normally. Something on our world has caused this isolation to no longer be the case and this may be causing issues as our world is impacting on other worlds
Checking in with Rosemary and Klaus, it seems that Klaus is not quite in the right track, so we drug Klaus and all go back to Rosemary's place to sleep.
Once again, we dream of things not familiar to us from our original world.
We convince Klaus that his purpose is best served by us going to Wilcannia to investigate the disturbance that first sent us down the world hopping path and we set off in a place to Wilcannia.
As we approach Wilcannia, we are once again surrounded by the strange, dancing lights and we land.
Waiting for us are two people in science fiction space suits. It's Dr Preston and Dr MacSwain!!
They tell us to get in the back of a truck and that we are in great danger. Apparently, we have been missing for several months.
We are taken somewhere and showered with really weird liquid that changes colour. Our clothes have beeb destroyed and we are escorted to a conference room in the CSIRO.
Dr Preston, Dr MacSwain, Mr Smith, Dr Milagre , and Wheels enter the room and congratulate us, saying that we have passed the test. It was important that we brought back Sierre (bullet girl) from the other world and we work with her on some critical future tasks.
We now have to figure out why our world is affecting the other worlds.
We have been given leave to rest and tickets to the Olympics games which are opening soon.

Continue reading...

  1. The Railway Shooting
    25th September 1956
  2. The Trip to Maralinga
    4th October 1956
  3. The Answers are in Canberra?
    8th October 1956
  4. The other Sydney.....
    Late July 1956
  5. The Return
    15th-16th July 1956
  6. The Return (Part 2)
  7. The Return Part 5
    15th November 1956
  8. The Return Part 6
    20th November 1956
  9. The End or a New Beginning?
  10. The Arrival...
  11. The Arrival (Part 2)
  12. The Arrival (Part 3)
  13. The Arrival (Part 4)
  14. The Lake Investigation
    13th-14th July 1956