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Late July 1956

The other Sydney.....

by Samuel Marlowe

Having arrived in "New Sydney" and discovered that the Australia you are in is not the Australia you remember Randome times, random worlds became the common conversation but more importantly was the question of how to return "home" This led to a new challenge. There was not the technology in New Sydney to help you home but they could provide you a way to try and discover it. To do that though meant operate on a scientist that had defected from Russia No simple operation because you had to be shrunk down to microscopic level and be inserted into the blood stream of the injured scientist Unknown to you, one of the team provided by New Sydney turned out to be a traitor and tried to destroy the Proteus. That planned failed but the ship was damaged. Frank was able to provide repairs but did not have the full time he would have like as the vessel entered the pressure of the heart...
Frank did a pretty good job of patching the ship up although he did attract the attention of a number of things while he was outside. I think Rosemary or Klaus called them lymphocytes. We dragged Frank inside and managed to get rid of the creatures.
As we head into the heart we need to make the critical call on whether to go flat out or not. We strap ourselves in and hit it...…
James and Maia floor it and we speed into the heart. Rosemary seems to be in some distress at the sudden acceleration. I hope she is ok as her seatbelt digs uncomfortably into her ample chest.
We speed out of the heart and through a long tube at an incredible speed. After a few moments we slow down.
Frank jumps up to check on his repairs along with Klaus. Apparently there is a small leak and Frank and Klaus affect some repairs that give us a few minutes more
17 minutes into the journey but we only have around 15 minutes or hull integrity left.
Alice checks the map to see where we are and tells us it will take 20-25 minutes to get the brain at out current speed.
And we only have 43 minutes to get to the brain. operate, and get out !
We decide to increase our speed but the ship is starting to be attacked. Maia with legs assures us that we will get to the brain in about 9 minutes.
21 minutes left and we are about to arrive at the brain. Maybe a few minutes away but the ship is knackered
Klaus and Frank quickly put together some jet packs and we abandoned ship.
15 minutes left. If we go at a safe pace it will take 6 minutes to get to the operation site. Possibly not long enough as we will have 9 minutes to operate and leave the body. If we speed up, then we will get an extra 2 minutes.
Alice and Sam head off at top speed while the rest of the party moves at a safe pace.
The plan is for Sam to defend Alice while they race ahead to the site.
Back at the rest of the party, Frank has decided to take off his jetpack and sent it flying off into an artery wall to attract the attention of the white blood cells.
Unfortunately this put a hole in the artery. All of the white blood cells are attracted to the hole but unfortunately we are being sucked back towards the hole.
51 minutes gone and we are almost at the operation site. The white blood cells are repairing the hole in the artery.
5 minutes left and we arrive at the site.
Alice kicks in with the laser rifle, firing into the lead bullet. As she starts the process, Klaus offers his assistance but this is aggressively refused by Alice.
As Alice fires more and more laser shots into the the bullet, it implodes and the white blood cells descend upon the remains.
But what the F@!k!!! A body of some kind floats out from bullet's interior!!
3 minutes left and Alice suggests that we leave via the bullet entry wound. Sounds like a good idea to me.
We grab the unexpected and unexplained new body body and head in that direction.
We get outside, only to discover that Frank and Rosemary aren't there.
Sam dives back in to get Rosemary and an unconscious Frank with 45 seconds left.....
But time has run out! As Frank, Rosemary, and Sam try to leave the body, the clock hits zero and they begin expanding back to normal size. Unfortunately they are not clear of the Russian Scientist's body with the gruesome result being very little of the patient's head remaining.
Everyone is now full sized, including that strange new body which Klaus seems to be unusually interested in.
Chaos now breaks out in the operating room...… Major Wanker bursts in and starts demanding to know what happened and accuses the team of failing their mission. He starts blabbering on about throwing us over that Goddamn wall and asking us where we got the extra body.
And to top things off, Klaus has pulled a gun on Alice and is holding it to the back of Alice's head!!! Shit!! He's rabbiting on something about being underappreciated and being called a Nazi all the time. It looks like he has finally cracked.
Of course the Major and his soldiers all around us have not taken that well and now their guns are drawn.
Rosemary, James, and Sam are standing in the operating theatre watching Frank lying unconscious on the floor beside an almost headless Russian scientist . Alice is kneeling over him trying to stabilize him while Klaus is standing behind Alice with a gun to her head and we have a fuming Major with a bunch of troops pointing guns as us all.
What could possibly go wrong...…..?
Klaus stands down and is immediately taken into custody by the soldiers.
After a small confrontation with Sam, Major Briggs leaves and returns soon after with McSwain. Briggs and the soldiers leave us alone.
She explains that there are multiple worlds and she exists across all of them. We, however only exit in our original world.
McSwain explains that we must return to our own world in order to set things right. She also tells us that the person that we "rescued" from the bullet - Cere is the one who can help us return.
It is critical that we return as there are several forces at work and we can't know too much as the other side can read our thoughts.
After an intense confrontation between Cere and Sam as she tried to release Klaus without telling us anything about her we gain access to a meeting room.
We sit down around the table and start over.
Cere explains that we need a huge power supply to power our return to our earth and she knows where it is. Apparently Cere is a geologist and that the power source is located at the centre of the Earth.
We now have to journey to the centre of the Earth and somehow retrieve \ use this power source. We will be travelling in some sort of drilling machine that Maia will be piloting.

Continue reading...

  1. The Railway Shooting
    25th September 1956
  2. The Trip to Maralinga
    4th October 1956
  3. The Answers are in Canberra?
    8th October 1956
  4. The other Sydney.....
    Late July 1956
  5. The Return
    15th-16th July 1956
  6. The Return (Part 2)
  7. The Return Part 5
    15th November 1956
  8. The Return Part 6
    20th November 1956
  9. The End or a New Beginning?
  10. The Arrival...
  11. The Arrival (Part 2)
  12. The Arrival (Part 3)
  13. The Arrival (Part 4)
  14. The Lake Investigation
    13th-14th July 1956