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20th November 1956

The Return Part 6

by Samuel Marlowe

The Olympics are only a few days away now and we have tickets !!!
We take the superfast underground train to Melbourne to watch Wheels compete.
As we sit down at the opening ceremony, Klaus notices a former Nazi scientist colleague sitting several rows in front of us.
Apparently, he was working with Klaus' ex-wife and was a chemical weapons expert.
Watching him carefully, he seems to be quite nervous, constantly looking at his watch.
As we move to flank the scientist, all hell breaks loose.
Nazi soldiers are firing machine guns in the air and walking down the aisles!!!!
As the crowd erupts in panic, Sam and Frank intercepted the German Scientist to take an arm each to "escort" him out of the arena.
Meanwhile, Rosemary, Klaus, and Alice are trying to leave the MCG separately.
Just before we get to the top, Sam is hit badly and goes down and the scientist makes a break for it.
Rosemary and Klaus are also hit badly.
Rosemary, Klaus, and James catch up to Sam and Frank and they all get themselves over the top and to the car park where our cars are waiting.
Alice shows up with some guy, with the German scientist, Karl in tow!!!
As we get into the car, we hear the drone of bomber engines and the whine of bombs falling.
Looking back as we depart, we see bombs falling on the MCG and a strange, yellow, mushroom cloud billowing up and expanding towards us.
We race to the superfast, underground train station where Dr McSwain, Dr Preston and others are waiting for us and we set off, fleeing Melbourne.
The trip from Melbourne takes longer than expected and at the other end, we are herded into a conference room where we are told by Mr. Smith that we just experienced what will happen to our world, and in turn all of the other worlds if something is not done about it.
Apparently, this was another part of our training!!
We are told that Dr Milagre and bullet girl have been planning a way to stop this and it is related to something in another world in a different time. They have been working on a device to transport us to the location where we need to retrieve some item.
We are given an hour to prepare and then led to a room in the complex with various control panels and a huge 'Tunnel" thing.
I guess this is where we will be sent off to the unknown....

Continue reading...

  1. The Railway Shooting
    25th September 1956
  2. The Trip to Maralinga
    4th October 1956
  3. The Answers are in Canberra?
    8th October 1956
  4. The other Sydney.....
    Late July 1956
  5. The Return
    15th-16th July 1956
  6. The Return (Part 2)
  7. The Return Part 5
    15th November 1956
  8. The Return Part 6
    20th November 1956
  9. The End or a New Beginning?
  10. The Arrival...
  11. The Arrival (Part 2)
  12. The Arrival (Part 3)
  13. The Arrival (Part 4)
  14. The Lake Investigation
    13th-14th July 1956